Conversation with
You have been added to the group conversation -- with the following announcement of your entry to this group as:
Welcome Mark @Mark Darnell -- you should be free to tab up to the top of this group share - family introduction - and note the participants of @Dennis Driskill and the other Dennis Driskilll named here that one not yet made appearances are not my brother Dennis Wayne Driskill of San Bernardino. Also note that invited group participant Debra Kick, same name as my cousin is also here as a proxy for my Cousin, Debra Kick of Riverside Ca, who is a NURSE RN current working at Kaiser Riverside. In relevance, unfriending family or blocking family is not possible or a standard to which I accept is acceptable. Thank you.

No take me off
You can choose that option yourself if you would like. Or I can remove you as your choice here. You really should review the content please before making such rash choices of non-participation. If you love my mother, you would understand my request here.

I didnt give you permission to include me in this
That is NOT REQUIRED IN OUR SOCEITY. Sorry that does equate to any standards of communication protocols.
You do know that I am a former Notary, right?

you have two choices, at my request of being in this matter extended family. One only extended family connection that is following my messenger to the Driskill to Darnell extension of reaching out -- on this tool -- for an listening and/or opening of this tools operation, at is is supposed to be used, and can be used, and in this matter SHALL BE USED CORRECTLY. There is no reason for unfriending, the is no reason for blocking, there is only rhyme and reason to continue -- with understanding. Your failures to know the tools to which are at are free TechnoRealism Reach at this year of society connection communications, is not mine but your lack of knowledge and set standard of ignorance if that is what you really want to hold onto for your destined future community and society in technology and artificial intelligence and other future ways we will express ourselves of citizenry and family dynamics forward. Your failure to communicate here --- might be something grand scale you lose in your knowing the future tends that I know, as a expert over you all for sure, as I was in fact the developer of code for the Cosand Computer Center Main Branch San Bernardino Public Library, as you are well aware.
That was when I was 18. I am now 52. Come on -- open your heart and mind and soul to real life Mark. Please.
know you can do it -- you are my friend of this time period. We are not
just so distant of knowing each other's abilities. You are wiser than
you think -- because we are better united than divided anyway.
This just so happens to be my former roommate last ID of adam4adam :
-- this plays the track titled "Hey You" From Pink Floyd / Roger Waters of the album of The Wall.
might be surprised to know this fact Jimmy. The lyrics and its
association to bring this song's presence of honorable mention in a
religious spiritual sense appeared on the homepage of the American
Buddha Website that was active for many many years.
This forum post -- and it's relevancy - goes to the truth I just said --- trust me -- I say the truth always. [

If my moms photo is on there take it off please you did get our permission i suggest you take it off
Note Jimmy Reference is in regards to this post : You can reference his post [
] --- and again Mr Darnell, if you don't accept the truth your
mother's legacy to being my second mother and her ability to know me
real and her and I's relationship --- #1 you are out of line and #2 you
are not following any kind of society standard of communication
protocol. You can ask her yourself when you see her in heaven or the
afterlife as you may call it --- for I know my chat discussions with
your mother override here -- you knowledge --- and you cannot make such
such nonsense proves one thing -- your family does not understand the
direction of the future. Would you care to know what that is ? or
leave it to whimsical knowledge, you will not be treated a fool and
chastised by all of your relations and neighbors and such community for
your ignorance.
my moms photo is on there take it off please you did get our permission
i suggest you take it off" -- your mother's photo has nothing to do
with this.

James take my mom off this stop
That is the way she left her Facebook viewing to the world when she died.
That my dearest friend and child-hood growing up pal is the truth.
This is what it looks like today [ ]
Look at it -- idiot and speak from where the heart is -- in lovce.

Take her off you had no permission im starting to get pissed off my mother not yours take it off and understand
am not continuing here contentious -- accept the truth of our society
-- you cannot make such demands -- good day -- I am not going to
continue debating when you are debating with nonsense. Thank you.

That was not for you that is for our family take it off now
I will talk to my attourney then
mother left that showing as is ---reviewed and accepted as is. Your
not speaking the truth. Waste your money on consultation --- besure to
include the reference to this conversation in full -- thank you.

You have no respect for our wishes
That will save you alot of embarrasment and money by him telling you the law and the facts. good day.
I am respecting the wishes of you mother for which you are refuting.

I dont have to pay it comes with my benefits
More great for ya 1
neither changes the facts I say in this dialogue.
Have a nice one
You set the emoji to

You have no respect for us take her off
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