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[Personal]-JMDriskill/San Bernardino | x | |||
@GRUWUP | x | |||
@REALUPHUMAN | x | |||
TO HOLD IN PRIVATE MEMESPACE for all future time intended needs, to include private key searching upon this content for any future public time sharing (as needed). This is in fact true: [ Darrell.Johnson- INTEND as PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL MEMESPACE LIBRARY but perhaps as can be best established by TRUSTED BONDED CONTACTS AND RELATIONSHIPS FROM ANY WORLDLY VIEW OR LOCAL COMMUNITY COLLECTIVE COMMUNITY VIEW AS PERSONS INVOLVING THEMSELVES TO A SOUND AND SOLID IDEAL OF GRUW UP PERSPECTIVE taking into view Words To Live By [ circa 1780 ] Per Ideals Contained in the 1945 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> Date: Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 6:19 AM Subject: Rebuilding a 'personal' resource library : Recovery of Stolen Books of James Martin Driskill To: Darrell Johnson <Ommited-For-Privacy/ Cc: Joy Badwound <jbadwound@gmail.com>, "Aids Project East Bay : APEB.ORG : @fuckeduphuman.net" <jyoung@apeb.org>, "Aids Project East Bay : APEB.ORG : @fuckeduphuman.net" <jyoung-apeb.org@ THIS EMAIL IMAGE TOP MOST HEADING: ![]() This image above is stored in the private folder on my computer: [ C:\Users\James\Desktop\Work\ and has the file name: and was created with the file timestamp:[ FromTheDeskOf-@Gruwup - With Excerpt of Edward Kennedy - Buscard Darrell Johnson Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments.jpg ] ============================== (1) Darrell Johnson, building manager at Chesney Klienjohn Apartments, HIV Hopwa Housing in Denver Colorado part of this, is within my needs today in 2015, right here and now.--I would like several of my books back into my library, please. ![]() One
of the many books that I would like returned and restored into my book
library, personal of James Martin Driskill, was ' property lost' due to
this event:. My storage unit was burglarized back in October of
2006 while I was actually in full mental distress recovery in the
personal care of family in San Bernardino. Here is the proofing letter to these events: ![]() ![]() One
of the books that was removed from my storage unit in Oakland from the
source attack of these people who criminally cut my lock and removed my
property from this unit was this book:
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![]() ![]() A Circle of Men: The Original Manual for Men's Support Groups Paperback – April 15, 1992
Bill Kauth
I no longer have it in my personal book library --- this is a fucked up human crying shame. NOTE IT'S VALUE -- PEOPLE --- VALUE of cost recovery - in mint condition this book was removed from my life -- for which there is no option to proceed to place return of the true irreparable harms and injury and loss to me, both mentally -- -but more than most definitely FINANCIALLY SPEAKING THIS IS NOT RIGHT! I need this book back -- not the exact copy --
for which it was probably BURNED; yes, BOOK BURNING was the
motivation to break into my unit and steal both the electronics and high
end property but not my compact disc audio library. But my
PERSONAL BOOK LIBRARY was about 2/3 [ 66% ] stolen from my UNIT in this
little heist that that OAKLAND COMMUNITY perpetrated against me. A
letter from my Foothill Aids Project, San Bernardino Mental Health
Treatment following reflects this condition within this letter
addressed. ![]() Which
many of you already know is a part of a document attached to my twitter
account directed to our President of the United States of America,
Barrack Obama.a tweet of Jan 22 2013 Wow
man, if that is not sound and plain to see the truth to where I will
place this entire story to, for it is the truth that I hold in
accountability -- for my losses are GREAT and as UNFIXED --- remains a
part of this letter addressed here in --- "Appropriate Resolution to his housing conflicts, he will remain in a vulnerable regarding his HIV and mental health status." And there should be no doubt to question the source of actions targeted against me of the burglary, for when in the matter of placing a BLOGGING STORY onto the site MULTPLY.COM under my name James Driskill using the ID: InTheMindway, which started on December 24th 2006, My
personal vehicle with the licence plate 5WLE984 was stolen from outside
of my parents home at 3260 Grande Vista San Bernardino CA and abandoned
and the former address to which my bother and family lived, as a
homeowner of
![]() Still found online -- and as a actually history of home ownership of this property, it will be forever online, this is TRUE:Dennis Driskill from California - Address, Phone, Public ...radaris.com › Dennis Driskill 4 people named Dennis Driskill in California. ... Known as: Dennis Driskill ... Related to: Debbie ... Dennis Driskill, 2816 Joy Ave, Ceres, CA 95307, (209) 556-9817. Dennis O ... Dennis W Driskill, 2397 Cedar St, San Bernardino, CA 92404, (909) 881-3157 ... Dennis W Driskill, 1278 Stoddard Ave, San Bernardino, CA 92405.If
this TRUE -- so is everything else -- the act here is to shut me up --
to convey a message to me, to shut me up, we can get and hurt you no
matter where you are, to shut me up, in intimidation, to shut me up, for
they don't want the truth to be told, to shut me up, for they are doing
absolutely WRONG. and it is not just a matter of accidental errors and omissions which come bonded in BUSINESS LIABILITY INSURANCE UMBRELLA COVERAGE -- this is not covered there!! For they were doing (perhaps still are) WRONG AND CRIMINAL ACTS somehow -- to shut me up - they did this one single act that proves it BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT! There is WAY WAY MORE to this STORY and to WHY I VISITED the OFFICE OF THE FBI on JUNE 21ST 2006, in regards to a CYBER CRIME AGAINST ME, A PUBLICLY SHOWING HACKED PROFILE, THEY ALTERED the PROFILE DATA, once again attempting to SHUT ME UP and I DID NOT COMPLY TO SHUT UP!! The information provided to the FBI AGENT that I
consulted in the OAKLAND OFFICE on GRAND AVE was this fact, showing
profile live to all the world -- without even having to create a site
registration account. At the time I captured this snipped and directed to the attorney in the case:
Just how can this be possible --- please explain it to me??? I
would not have visited the OFFICE OF THE FBI if I had actually
personally caused this condition, to which then I would be targeted and
identified as a fake and then prosecuted as providing FALSE EVIDENCE
involving the FBI in CYBER CRIMES. I absolutely am telling the
date and time this was passing, the Cyber-Bullying and Cyber-Stocking,
and Cyber-harassment I was receiving was not yet booked into the
criminal unlawfulness code of conduct acts within the United States of
America. For it was a suicide of a teenager, [ not an adult ] that
put these things into ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES for which if this SAME
SITUATION were to have OCCURRED under these NEW LAWS, the FBI would have
been REQUIRED to accept the investigation, to which I HAD A HACKED
PROFILE standing showing that I was telling the truth and I WAS UNDER
CYBER-ATTACK within the sphere of influences of my living residency and
community in OAKLAND CA through the first expressed catch phrase written
by me as "Fucked Up Humans" in FEBRUARY 2005 within my email. This
condition of targeted PRESSED DOWN AND SILENCED OUT and STOMPED ON to
the final conclusion of an EVICTION CASE standing result HOMELESSNESS
into the STREET, finally on July 16th 2006 with absolutely no address to
community wellness and issues I WAS ATTEMPTING TO RELATE and REPAIR
upon all of the entire HIV/AIDS community. We all know that is the
truth. You all know you have GREAT ACTS of HARM upon ME, and also GREAT ACTS of HARM against others in the community at the time. You all know it and you all know I am telling NO LIE. Why
have you done this to me? I seek an answer from you sometime -
some way -- but for right now, I want a book returned back into my
personal library bookshelf please. It is very important that I am able
to readdress these principles put back into my sphere of influence so
that I can properly put a benefiting cast of upward motivating energy
into this community -- finally now today in 2015. If "A Circle of Men" is sent to me anonymously -- that would be a fine and dandy start. James Martin Driskill 1005 Washington Street, Apt 112 Denver CO 80203 (307) 421-4674 (cell) ![]() Thank
you for your time to read this address to current HIV/AIDS COMMUNITY of
PRESENCE in the adaptation of Marlon Riggs' essay, You all should
be ashamed of yourselves for what you have done to me. I have not
even placed the addressing of this email to all of those persons
involved. I am only seeking remedy for one single book at this
time. Thank you. Excerpt: http://www.colorado.edu/
MARLON T. RIGGS was a producer, director, and writer, who graduated with honors from Harvard in 1978, and received the MA from UC Berkeley, where he later taught Documentary Film in the Graduate School of Journalism. His films include Tongues Untied, the acclaimed account of Black gay male life; and Ethnic Notions, for which he was awarded the Emmy. Mr. Riggs' work has been published in the anthology Brother to Brother, as well as in arts and literary magazines, including High Performance, Black American Literature Forum, and Art Journal. A media activist, he testified before the U.S. Senate, and wrote extensively on the issue of censorship. Mr. Riggs was also on the policy committee of the national PBS, and served on various other panels, including the National Endowment for the Arts. Marlon T. Riggs died of AIDS-related complications in 1994. We remember him with deepest respect and admiration. More information on the press release at this link. |
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