Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck
The #ConspiracyExposed in Denver HIV/AIDS Ryan White Care Act
Funded Social Services Agencies continues....
The County of San Bernardino
Haters Run-A-Muck Everywhere in Privilege Won't Release
Their Secret Hold On Our Society --- A true story unfolds to you....
True Moral Wisdom Wise,
Honesty Is The Best Policy
This email is being sent to my own domain first, in order for it to be publicly webfiled for live
active links when final addressing to intended recipients are generated.

of the web filing placement of this address, written in email protocol,
a link to this address is also being sent through communication
networking partnership that the County of San Bernardino apparently has
interfaced to.
The purpose to contact to them, a notice of my pre-placement of this
address so they can access it accordingly to the seriousness of the
Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck
in Social Services that continues to evade their obligation to build
our tomorrows from a state worthiness integrity authenticity and a
change in priority of refocused bests to the level of quality of
Watch Youtube Presentation :
#SocialTrust : The United States of America Has A Current Score Of 18 on Transparency
Internationals Current Rankings. Where 0 is worst corrupt.
#Only-Rational-Thinking/ 21-Jan-2018 21:45 -
My content locations will be in triple application WEBDOMAINS memespaces, take the
-- I repeat again several times in this long --- somewhat disjointed --
perhaps confusing to some but not in whole --- everything written here
to my best ability --- as I can stand to be free of received hate and
mental abuse for being me, myself, and I -- that you all are mystified
I mean what I say, I do what I mean.
I am not here hypnotizing you to do something against your will. No No No, That I not I.
I don't see how rational thinking can get through a conspiracy of
haters elite in command controls of social services inside, not external
of, governmental oversight, transparency, policy change, and ultimately
corrupt governmental authenticity. Prove me wrong. Show me
around 180 degrees, and do the right moral class action of right over
wrong, in transparency that you receive, read, and respond with
responsible rational thinking to this email properly, for a change
Dear WebMaster
of the San Bernardino County of the United States of America,
Along with To:
The It Gets Better Project,
A Suicidal Prevention Awareness Non-Profit directed at Gay Youth,
My address is grave, serious, detailed, complex, unique and deserves your immediate attention:
am reaching out to every single possible of fix -- for a situation of
intractable conflict that the county is responsible to correct.
I am my own Webmaster of course, and I get noticed.
It is time to clean out the closets and straighten up the bookshelves. Clear out the cobwebs and get rid of the skeletons.
I mean what I say and I do what I mean.
I am crying --- this first thing Monday morning -- at the way I have been treated by my very own hometown county.
There are tears falling down my face as I write these words --- you are responsible to carry on a message of change.
my resume and mention here of a work project I have online that is in
real time effort too, of change, that no one in Denver paid
any attention to, I let these registrations expire.
Content now hosted on the subset of materials @ : TwitterId [ @Gruwup ]
That stands for
[G]reat [R]easons [U]s [W]ill [U]nite [P]eace
a variant spelling homonym pronounced the same as of grew up.
I am nothing new here. I remain online. I shall remain online forever if my goal point is reached.
My online presence established processing a mission work here for over 10 years strong,
web administration [ ME ! ] with siteadvisor cleared as SAFE to BROWSE
in the CATEGORY of
It's time to learn some kind of new lesson here for the betterment of all worldly
but for sure --- where the special interests of policy politics, and dirty deeds done dirt cheap reign
in governmental corruption --- as valued only 18 on a score from 0 to 100 from
the latest report from Transparency International where score 0 is worse.
- for you all at
This is a screen capture image of a portion of my resume showing detailed for my work.
The Cosand Computer Center Is Located in the City of San Bernardino at the Main Branch Public Library
downtown --- on the corner of 6th and Est.
block away from typically what can be used to be referred as on direct
route here of commonly known things we all grow affinity of reverence
onto. Yes, that is the word I choose, here is a good image for you to
muster your way to a courageous standing resolve in my message here and
my plight from hate.
Are you too one of the haters aimed to destroy instead of allowing my mission work to become reverenced.

route 66 for which the name of San Bernardino is within the sing along tune song.
Norman F. Feldheym is spinning in his grave in absolute disrespect of a man's dignity.
That man there that the main branch library is namesake honored.
For which, I a man reaching out to all that is rational, a former employee of that library staff.
I am the author of this email, that is has
ignored to a grave set of circumstances of life dynamics that need
intervention quickly of quality leaderships in administration of
greatness wellness without delay or excuse.
I am not making drama light of this issue is that extreme consequence.
A Disabled American Citizen living in the residence of family home since I was age 5 As I write Today 2018,
James Martin Driskill,
I who has the tenacious, gall, gumption, contemptuous attitude to call
you all out on exposing the wrongs that are being done here to a grave
community concerns message as defined by the web sharing object by email
address as:
No one can tell me to shut up.
No one can tell you to ignore me, that I am crazy.
A LIE against my character --
Liable and defamation I would claim against my mission work!
Have I made my statement of seriousness standing clear, complete, precise, for you? I think it carries
to the spoken voice narrative of this email that
will be filed according.
This email is going to be delivered to the attention of the City Librarian, whomever that is.
Personally delivered to their administration office. .
I demand respect for my history in this city and county.
I am the one who has been abused, disrespected, insulted by the so called policy practices and procedures of the
County of San Bernardino.
Hold on to your history that is being disrespected and lost. And if I am lost in this process,
am the one who was responsible for original coding the DESK MANAGER and
COMPUTER LITERACY developments of this county's namesake
The Cosand Computer Learning Center at Feldheym Central Library has 24 Internet computer workstations. The computers feature word processing as part of the Office 2016 Suite and databases to which the library subscribes. Computer usage at our libraries is free. Computers may be used for
A great injustice has happened ! I place it upon you, the webmaster [] for the county of San Bernardino
to be a responsible party of address to carry on a message of change.
On your soul this message will ride to your dying day, if it is lost filtered or ignored.
have already questioned below the technology change of assignments,
messaging being bounced of email being processed on your domain that was
at one time properly receiving. There is something fishy still going
I actually walked from Oakland to Big Sur with no one paying any attention to the grave circumstances I was and
continue to be living under hate based circumstances of living life out here on the web with HIV -- unending and social service
supportive source hate and harassment is provable now from this point of time #ConspiracyExposed.
The @Glassdoor reviews for Colorado Health Network prove who is of integrity telling the truth out here.
Read them For Yourself - the latest one showing not in the audio.
This is an embarrassment on your end to leave as as ---- dull -- dim -- and hate bearing.
am having panic attacks at why you would be so unkind to me -- if you
do not release your hate based motives here in this county.
am personally mentioned in the San Bernardino Sun Newspaper in my youth
that I carry these two snippets of truth onto this copy
page -- for you to get it real.
I am a real person who has been under-estimated big time by the county process of mental wellness care that has FAILED!
MEME: system of continued mental abuse persecution of USA citizen James Martin Driskiill
This is a VALID
URL - read it in it's entirety --- tell your bosses you represent the
truth when posed to a conflict of interest to
act in opposition in some manner in cover up to not expose these facts.
have federal and international involvements from the United Nations
perspective to my voice of calling for change in this country.
that URL, here is that content in your email: --- that is me for
my techie natural skill ability that you all are saying in conspiracy
does not exist.

That is my work being rejected here on 2018 timeframe disrespectful paradigms.
That content before you this day ---- is delivering an abstract truth for you to follow people for what you have been told
I am -- you have been told -- I am dangerous. You have been told a lie.
The so called expert telling such lies, is the actual one who is dangerous.
For doing the right thing face to face right in front of me. So far, I don't see where there is sanity on your side.
How can you represent honesty --- when you are covering up a conspiracy?
Wow people, this system is exposed to a state of affairs in this country that is a loss of #SocialTrust at a level that is
DANGEROUS for our continued existence, as country I mean.
are breaking, ourselves are breaking, with conflict of loyalties on
interpersonal relationships that have been built upon an imbalanced
relationship structures ---
it is a foundation, unwise to first implement, but for sure to continue.
It is a foundation set forth into motions simply set into the memeplex of social living, long time ago I am sure.
we are responsible for the truth of existence --- honesty --- integrity
-- reliability --- authenticity --- and reversing our
course when it is in error and giving up the struggle of resistance to remain hiding in dark deeds of real space time frames
and web space shadows, of hate motives that are insanity to not be exposed.
You are exposed.
You are following in meme pretense that you have been told to be loyal to, a meme that is self-harming it's hosts.
You are hosting that meme.
Memes have nothing, absolutely nothing to do with technology.
Memes like genes exist even if we don't have our collective knowledge base to define it yet.
Memes like genes, have always existed.
You are following a pattern of memeplex that is recognizable from outside looking into it from the perspective
of memetic intelligence,
[ which is what I hold beyond my technology contribution history to the city as it has unfolded to you above ]
that is on track to be collapsed by guided long time Plato learned philosophy wisdom guidance of our world.
These things we are choosing to ignore here of me that I hold upon my Mission Work.
You are thinking me some kind of fool, when you are ones following a foolish course of continued pretense.
For these things I call upon your day --- are ideals in the halls of our libraries of our literacy.
Mentioned guidance and warnings for "models of eventuality" --- it is quickening you to make a choice.
I did not make some new moral doctrine, manifesto, or philosophy here that is what I choose to hold my trust that
I am actually writing and documenting and exclaiming a change in priorities.
No, I represent failure on your part that I am not that harm agent of change --- I am not Public Enemy #1
For what guides me and what I express upon our world of memetics science in our community responsibility
of moral collective conscience.
have guidance of a pledge of allegiance [ country duty ] to a counter
point to not collapse this county and country of the foundation that it
has been set into.
A motion by an unwise set of conditions to continue. You are loyal
to a set of memeplex that is on foundational
loyal to a house of cards. #HouseOfCards
Following that I was a former boy scout, I am acting appropriately and accordingly to the Boy Scott Motto and code of ethics.
If you go out to Twitter on my account @Gruwup ---- there is one more of you non-profit setups in that
I have exposed as a FRAUD.
The year passing into the time era of The Quickening, The Era of Human Evolution of Time that
we REPRESENT THE HONESTY OF THE MATTER of all human existence!
For that is what @
REALUPHUMAN.NET mission badge is saying --- to the world of order and common value.
I should be treated as PUBLIC FRIEND #1 instead of the abusive of mental health services that I encountered
and exposed here on domain filed:
I have laid it all out ---
and no one can be confused of my motives !!
but it reality none the less.
A WARNING to those involved in conspiracy -- I am just one man in a mission work mode of continued operational presence.
don't lie, cheat, or steal my way through life. I have
never always had this presence of mind of course. But as of the
plight from persecution from Denver to be mentally healing to help me through this transition.
For that was my trust in you at the start --- I thought there was some perhaps intelligence shared
with Dr Christopher Eric Berger in two (2) separate two and a half hours ( 2hrs 30min )
discussion talk face to face sessions from my clicking into interface with health care wellness team here.
If you don 't realize that is 5 fucking hours of relational understanding that failed to get correct choices upon me.
I mean what I say and I do what I mean. I have never broke that tenant of issuance.