forgot to include Sue Lowe of Desert Aids Project that has the
following Glassdoor review in which I expose here completely open.
This has not been explained to me that they have actually acknowledge
the role of change that is being talked about from my perspective of
conspiracy exposed. We know I am right. Don't insult my
I worked at Desert AIDS Project full-time (More than 3 years) Pros Things have become very bad here. Cons A
true lack of care for the Aids patients new to the area. Denial of
medical is frequent for many unqualified reasons. Mostly, to save money
and add perks to the current administration. this place claims to give
treatment to the uninsured but we have had to deny them treatment many
times. Advice to Management Start over with a fresh group from the top down.
am sure that you all have been talking among yourselves what to do
about me. Well, that is your problem of wicked problem to adjust a
solution for. Not my problem of fault but your faults that need
addressed. God forbids you to continue this conspiracy. It
is hateful, it is harmful, and is destructive forces of trust, it is
hateful to retaliate against me for bringing these truth forward.
RESPONSIBILITY. Your employees can indeed place more confirming
conspiracy truths on Glassdoor against the system fully. Are they
gonna continue that reflect death to a certain class of client service
or are they going to mean thrivability ? What say you?
  Mr. Maynard,
you for our first meeting that may upright a situation that is out of
control with my client interface with FAP. We know that I am not
going to stand by and allow things to be untold and silenced. That
is for sure. I don't see how because I desire to have a voice in these
matters does it allow me to be subject to discrimination by the social
service side of a client interface. Moreover just discrimination,
what I have experienced is total retaliation on the part of social
service side of client interface against me. I can proof what I
say is true if you just really review the Glassdoor section of the email
that I am forwarding to you that you were given the hard-copy print
version of to place into my file. I want the record to show that I
am here innocent of wrong-doing before we start and that I am not the
culprit causing chaos in the community affairs of social
I did not make up this
conspiracy. This conspiracy is long term formed from the beginning
of the Ryan White Care program and it is a wicked problem in social
injustice to allow to continue anymore. It serves no purpose but
to continue a loss of social trust. What the social science
research is finding is that loss of #SocialTrust is actually a pathway
leading to violence, murder, and mass shootings. Like I said, I
did not make up this conspiracy but I aim to define it, capture its' ill
effects on our community, and stop it at all cost to insanity that
allows it to continue.
On Glassdoor, Foothill Aids Project has a reviews showing in the lack of trust.
We already are showing a trend here at your agency to be inclusive of
this conspiracy not external of it. I am not saying that every
single Ryan White Act Service Agency is the culprit or that currently
are operating on the paradigm model that must change. As well, I
am saying that this change may have already transgressed at one agency
nearby that I have in fact been in correspondence to. But that
they have never truly explained my first interaction with them was to
explain their Glassdoor review, they have let it unsaid and untold they
have actually made a change. I am still here interfaced to them,
because they are the only ones who are actually truly interfaced to the
digital world with a single person responsible for digital content as
manager. I mentioned her in my meeting with you. There is
absolutely no excuse left for the social service side of these
conditions to allow this conspiracy paradigm to continue. For what
is captured of today's research in social science to the cause and
effect of loss of #SocialTrust is seriously grave. That has
generated a wicked problem that social services is unwilling to actually
acknowledge is frightening to what level this conspiracy actually is
holding on to not be told. I am going to quote something that I
wrote many many years ago. You can find it posted at Wikiworld
- InTheMindway, thinking in memetic life without the brain buster terms.
"The pathway that the mind travels..."
know it exists today because so many of us have personally experience
it and speak about it with face to face language. We have it, but it has
an unusual characteristic that provides no means of a historical
chronicle should it decay to ruins. It is silent to our ears; no audio
recording can exist. It is invisable to our eyes; no photographs can be
taken. Can't touch it, no smell or taste. It does exist and what exists
around our world usually follows either natural effects of time decay
and withering away by accidental or hostile acts of destruction. Should
it disappear it will be lost.
- An Individual Human Thought- Monday, October 14th, 1996 07:48PM PT The Birth of "In The Mindway"
Maynard, once again you cannot change me to mold me to not see the
truth that is actually hidden, by way of memetics pattern recognition,
there is a conspiracy here to not acknowledge a big huge secret in
social services upon the Ryan White Care Act agencies. Don't
insult my intelligence and not actually advocate for me and allow this
conspiracy to continue one more day than it must. Anyone acting
strangely from normalcy of behavior is aware of the underlying
conditions of this wicked problem conspiracy. It is not typical to
just ignore a problem as huge as this one really is and not respond a
concern or care to a client. It is not normal to just go
unanswered It is not normal to be silenced. It is not normal
to not have a voice in these matters. That is not normal
behavior. Or at least not the standard that should be accepted, I
don't accept it.
Just for your information about meme and memetics
The answer "meme" was the TV Show's Final Jeopardy answer on
Feb 23, 2018 - And an infectious idea (call it a 'viral meme') may leap from mind to ... The best Final Jeopardy answer in history (Spiciest Memelord- Lilly Chin).
Final Jeopardy: Modern Words (2-23-18)Today’s Final Jeopardy question (2/23/2018) in the category “Modern Words” was: In 1994 Wired Mag. described this 4-letter word as an idea leaping “from mind to mind…as viruses leap from body to body”
Please do not insult my intelligence.
there was a field study science taught memetics, I would have a
master's degree in it. Someday soon I hope but for now, know I am
watching you to do the right thing. This applies to http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net [ I-KNOW-WHAT-YOU-DID/ ]
--- Time for an 180 degree walk with me into a change of
priorities. It is too awesomely massive to not be named this,
Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck in a journal to Dr. Howard
Newsom of FAP in 2007 that is documented on the web.
guys can't fool me. I know what it takes to document the truth
onto the web that can't be removed by content removal requests.
Because it is the truth.
Jun 11, 2007 - You just cannot attempt to mold me into your dim-witted universe. .... to be part of aMASSIVE MISCHIEVOUS MARVEL OF MOLDING MUCK story! .... Horwitz Cc: Howard Newsom - Phd ; Bill Hirsh, Exec Dir ; Local-HIV-Comm.
now we are recycling this hate agenda paradigm against me --- a delay
now of over a year --- with FAP that I detached services for because of
loss of confidence and loss of trust that your side of this, the social
service side, will actually come out of the darkness secret and
acknowledge me correctly and do something correct and right for a
These two tweets are on twitter
regarding my openness to solve these matters of wicked problem
conspiracy and that on twitter I have, if you notice, also attached i
2013 the highest authority of our country the President Of The United
States at the time Barack Obama. I am not going to sit down and
shut the fuck up, you all hear me?
BTW, the
standards of the use of the "Fuck" word in correspondence relates that
on LinkedIn, you can find the word assigned to actual company names,
if you are insulted or offended by the use of the word, you are
insulted of offended by an old standard and nothing should be offended
now. Good day on that subject that suspended unjustly my services
from http://rockymountaincares.fuckeduphuman.net
for that was the reason offered in their letter of suspension.
Bull Fucking Snit! You all are hiding conspiracy and you all know
it. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. You guys will
go to any extreme to not acknowledge the truth and your responsibility
in it.,
something right for a change, ok? You cannot change or mold
me against my nature to hold a secret of conspiracy that is harming the
Your "assessment" of "effectiveness" in client services - client,
James Martin Driskill
the URLs are valid in these links: I expect you to follow up with
actually linking to this: These have spoken voice text narrative
interface for convenience of time. If you can multi-task like
me, you can listen to them while you have your lunch break and
eating. Or as you fall to sleep. I don't care, you need to
listen to these.
This to Bonnie Flippin, Ryan White Program Administration Supervisor of San Bernardino County:
This to the district attorney of San Bernardino County:
read on below.... ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Date: Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 1:03 PM Subject:
Building new commitments of #SocialTrust in our communities. This
should be an interesting email for you to overview, a reply is expected
but not required. Disclosure Of Intent For Use of subject(s) article to
produce animated spoken voice video content [ Crazy Talk Animator ] on
YouTube is project intended for creations. To: < emfriedenberg@gmail.com> Cc: Maritza Tona Exec Director FAP - 180° about face? < mtona@fapinfo.org>, Sue Lowe - Digital Content Manager Desert Aids Project < slowe@desertaidsproject.org>, Michael Muller Patient Experiences Manager Desert Aids Project < mmuller@desertaidsproject.org>, Chief Executive Officer Darrell J Vigil MBA <darrell.vigil@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Angela Keady <angelak@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Key : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0001 Awesome! <blackmeat6969@yahoo.com>, Sammie Francher : First Knight Lion : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0002 Awesome! <sodivine7546360@gmail.com>, #Timothy.Earl.Marable : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0003 Awesome! <timothyerals@yahoo.com>, William Jamal Wilson : First Lion Without Need Of Pledge : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0005 Awesome! <Willwilson003@gmail.com>, Chris : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0004 Awesome! <ucanriteme2@gmail.com>, Samuel Jesse Gruwup Pledged Lion Martinez : #Kramobone-The.Good : Student#0001A Awesome! <smartinez.07pnpboi@gmail.com>, Rachel #Kramobone L Griffin <rachel@thslawfirm.com>, #Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>, Doctor Mirza <smirza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, Bonnie @realuphuman:#Nsoromma-Guardianship @gruwup Flippin - Administrative Supervisor : [ webdomains/@/dph.sbcounty.gov/PublicHealth-[Ryan-White-Program] <BFlippin@dph.sbcounty.gov>, <rosalind.deugenio@yale.edu>, Jim Whitescarver <jimscarver@gmail.com>, <SupervisorGonzales@sbcounty.gov>, Mama - Roni Drskill <firedancer42@hotmail.com>, Dennis Driskill <svtcobraman@aol.com>, Debbie Kick <debrakick@att.net>, Susan Moore Program Director Stagecoach Drop In Center <LaramieCountyCenter@peakwellnesscenter.org>, Eric Maier <ericmaier@deadhead.org>, Joy Badwound <jbadwound@gmail.com>, JB <joyboy29@yahoo.com>, Alan Mayfield <drego78@gmail.com>, Michael Catron / Wave <wpeladocan@yahoo.com>, <mikecheck@arcw.org>, Cinamon 'The Spice Of Life To Makes Nice' Romeo <cinamon@rockymountaincares.org>, Jason Wilhelm <jpwilhelm1986@gmail.com>, Bethany Barbaoza Case Manager at dbh.sbcounty.gov <bbarboza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, Anthony Brazier : Housing Coordinator <abrazier@fapinfo.org>, Blythe Rayford <joyfulstep63@gmail.com>, isaacjackson.phd@gmail.com Jackson <isaacjacksonphd@gmail.com>, Melissa Guerrero & Clayton Advocacy for James M Driskill <DBHRBEST@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, Human First Male Second Deputy Sherrif 3rd Terry @Gruwup Klinkhart <tklinkhart@sbcsd.org>, David Tapscott <mrhappyd@yahoo.com>, Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>, >, <enable@un.org>, >, <cebergerllu@gmail.com>, <support@myhivteam.com>, <rnewells@apeb.org>, Wendy Jackson - Exec Dir <info@eocp.net>, Jamie Villalobos <jamie.villalobos@coloradohealthnetwork.org>
My name is James Driskill. I am reaching out as a cold contact
because your email address appears at the bottom of web page:
email is not spam. There is only one version of this email
written. It is written in original form scripting on August 1st
2018. This date being one full month prior to my 53rd birthday on
September 1st 2018. No other copy/paste of this content will be
served for any other purpose. There is only one remittance copy of
TO: and CC:s and perhaps BCC:s being sent. For what is being
first person expressed to you should also be first person expressed upon
these copied contacts of trusted network identities, perhaps friends,
perhaps foes, definitely family and contacts of my prior efforts.
You may use the ReplyToAll for a confirmation that this collective group
sharing IDs, individually selected, has a purpose of usage. That is for
the intention of common expression ideals that I actually create an
affirmative connective communication channel that is not ignored to a
silenced expressive oblivion. That seems to be the typical response of
undeserved results poorly effecting our communities, an illness of
mindsets that we can't be bothered by these highly imperative relations.
There is only one respect of honor to not disregard this email
as trash. As it should reflect, it is not trash... It therefore
does not deserve to be auto-placed into your spam folder nor auto-think
to hit the delete key button on this email received into your
inbox. Please respond that you have captured this email and it's
importance onto our communities and the universe in whole. That
would request a polite response that is graciously requested from me
upon you. This to confirm that you have received this email and
have read it complete. Nothing further is requested of you.
That is the minimum that I request and expect upon this
correspondence. A disclosure of use of materials for public
sharing is enclosed.
If you do not
respond, there is no obligation placed upon me that restricts my use of
your materials that I must receive prior approval of fair use of these
copyrighted materials. This so that we reaffirm these sharing
importance that you might also hold in this regard. It is this
importance that I proceed without authorized approval anyway, no matter
what, my stated intentions will be followed through. I do request a
more comprehensive review of my community sharing media materials and
discussion matters. This requires that I beckon your extension time
beyond reading this email. Your time is precious and I promise I
am not a time waster to complain against all odds of contention.
These are topic matters of complexity and there is no other way but
completeness to a whole upon these related matters of concern. I
hope you share my concern of our community the way you seem to express
it on your presentations to the public. Thank you Kindly.
You are welcome and I provide you the approval to share this email out
to others, as you deem appropriate. ]
hope that this email is received graciously appreciative to common work
ideals of defining the importance of #SocialTrust, what role it plays in
cause and affect in our communities, and what factors can be placed
into retrospective and perspective changes so we are not continuing to
decline our society and communities to an eventual collapse and
annihilation. We are at a crossroads that there is a edge of a
cliff ready, willing and able of opportunity to either step back and
walk into a different direction, or we step off that cliff to our
collective doom. That cliff is at our footsteps. We must
tread lightly to do the corrective adaptive changes needed.
Imperatively needed this paradigm shift change of thinking. The
introduction of this email reflects that most ignore these imperatives
and don't challenge themselves from their lazy minded way of
Frankly I am at a disgust of
others, some out here that have been mind altered to protect the haters
collective elites instead of bearing this truth forward and doing the
right thing for a change. For I have been through torment times,
embarking on attempting to portray these truths about social trust for
over 10 full years. This leading to hate campaigns and two
separate cause actions against me to their end game leading to evictions
in two case housings documented to the web. Their endgame plan
retaliation against me was the removal of my presence from communities
that I was attempting to empower change.
I own
some intellectual property holdings of internet domains since 2005 to
the proof that I am actually telling the wholeness facts upon these
matters, even if just now the scientific research study results are
affirming and confirming these same truths research study result after
result after result. I am right. I have been right. They
have been wrong. But no one seems to want to pay attention. I
am a man on a soapbox, lonely and crying and weeping sadness today.
no one really wants to save our social trust factors in our collective
sharing communities. Not one person in the universe of all except
my very own mother has found themselves to commit to this adaptive
corrective fix of this problem upon me. This includes not even my
brother Dennis nor my nephew David. his son, nor other extended family
members such as my cousin Debbie some of which stand status as being
blocked on Facebook for damned common insanity reasons. This
commitment in support for me and against them. They the haters will not
be allowed to win again and time again and time again. I am ready
for suicide or a change of my United States Citizenry to some other
country that is less corrupt of these factors and listens to me for a
change. They will not protect and allow the haters to win at all
cost of our collective sanity.
Frankly, I
am still pressing forward but really I do deserve apology for their
misdeeds against me. Will that happen? Most likely not. But
.... time here to reflect upon these words written today has foundation
that I will survive, maybe. But not fully intact. Still wise
and guidance my moral conscience. But my life is not fully
intact. I tell you that I am beat down to the core, ill and tired
of this insanity I have lived through. If this insanity was not
present, I would have been making different life choices that has been
removed from my option for over 10 full years. This is absolutely a
wrong paradigm of circumstances to allow to continue.
this point in time in 2018, my life path has been substantially altered
to have been ruined by others of hate into a course gutter of an
ugliness result. Hope is an expression of feeling and loss of hope
is frankly the next stage of this for me, if I can't be myself to
express these truths without the haters coming out of the darkness to
disrupt and disturb me, my mission work, of peace building. I have
been on this mission work since the registration of my internet domains
in 2005. But no one is telling me, they respect me, they honor
me, they listen to me, and unite a spark of hope of change that I see
there is a difference of living free of the haters collective
elites. What I tell you here is the absolute 100% documented
record of truth.
As an almost 53 year old
gay man living with HIV/AIDS disease since my discovery of my condition
in September 1999, I am suffering from being silenced to not having a
community voice and a disenfranchisement of my inalienable rights to the
pursuit of happiness. I am not the only one that does not have a
voice in these regards. There are many others actually that I am
holding respect to represent among our community that are holding on my network in real name forms.
For these persons, I am separated from Denver friends found unity in
the messages I was bringing forward. I am standing strong
representing those who are in vulnerability of disastrous life living
outcomes to then be undeserving of death from HIV/AIDS disease.
Yes, people still die from this condition. . Yale University Study on State Spending and Aids Deaths. Please don't think me a fool or disregard these truths. I and those I represent as vulnerable to this wicked problem
upon the social services care network nationally systemic to then to be
a causality of preventable circumstances to lose the battle to death,
the haters allowed to win, from a conflict of interest system of
management in the Ryan White Care Act formation time frame that should
not be a conflict of public interest in the first place. There is a
big huge secret that is not being told. This is a wicked problem
to not be able to fix. The Wikipedia article mentions HIV/AIDS
specifically in the citation examples section. We have a problem
that the social service agency side of this wicked problem is unwilling
to acknowledge and take responsibility to the these circumstances,
HIV/AIDS Deaths are the result of this silence. This is BULL
FUCKING SHIT, and you all addressed in the CC: of this email know
it. DEATHS are the result of this conspiracy silence.
ACKNOWLEDGE ME CORRECTLY and don't insult my intelligence one more time.
Wicked problem
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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A wicked problem
is a problem that is difficult or impossible to solve because of
incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often
difficult to recognize. The use of the term "wicked" here has come to
denote resistance to resolution, rather than evil.[1] Another definition is "a problem whose social complexity means that it has no determinable stopping point".[2] Moreover, because of complex interdependencies, the effort to solve one aspect of a wicked problem may reveal or create other problems.
The phrase was originally used in social planning. Its modern sense was introduced in 1967 by C. West Churchman in a guest editorial Churchman wrote in the journal Management Science,[3] responding to a previous use of the term by Horst Rittel. Churchman discussed the moral responsibility of operations research "to inform the manager in what respect our 'solutions' have failed to tame his wicked problems". Rittel and Melvin M. Webber formally described the concept of wicked problems in a 1973 treatise, contrasting "wicked" problems with relatively "tame", soluble problems in mathematics, chess, or puzzle solving.[4]
ExamplesClassic examples of wicked problems include economic, environmental, and political
issues. A problem whose solution requires a great number of people to
change their mindsets and behavior is likely to be a wicked problem.
Therefore, many standard examples of wicked problems come from the areas
of public planning and policy. These include global climate change, natural hazards, healthcare, the AIDS epidemic, pandemic influenza, international drug trafficking, nuclear weapons, nuclear energy, waste and social injustice.
In recent years, problems in many areas have been identified as
exhibiting elements of wickedness; examples range from aspects of design
decision making and knowledge management to business strategy.
For what I should be embarking is an impactful cohesive
expression connection among community and it is unwise to not be paying
attention to me because I know I am right about these subjects for over
10 full years now as I sit here in my family childhood home since I was
age 5 in San Bernardino CA I write out to you today. You may have
heard of San Bernardino since December of 2015. Yes, it is that
San Bernardino that I am forced to be living in because the haters have been allowed to win
and I have the casualties of my housing independence options forced to
live sheltered by family as a person living with disability instead of
successful ways of living, breathing, in what were declared inalienable
rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
That is all that I will write on the
subjects of haters being allowed to win over me. Of course this
email has hyperlinks to content on the web, some of which are extensive
to watch or listen to. I beg your pardon of time to actually
follow through with each of these linking presentations. Required to the
state of truth trust that I am actually telling the truth and they have
been the deceitful hater liars in charge leadership of the HIV/AIDS
communities region to region to region.
want to bring you up into the researched social science deliverance of
truth and media presentations and software technologies that I am
utilizing to create media presentations. This I have had to reach
out to create a vision expression to form a bonding truth of better
tomorrows even when there is still lost hope and faith that anything
better can be the change that is needed, that is required upon others in
our collective work group communities. I express the truth and
the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, the @ realuphuman.net
truth of deliverance of life circumstances. Will you unite with
me and an impressive ideal of peace building? Or will you too join
the haters collective elites and allow the haters to win at all cost against the social trust of our communities?
the addressing URLs of attached media from my domains in this email is
direct name binding web presence technology addressing prefixed
There is absolutely nothing wrong done here by this addressing,
actually everything done here may be a technology affiliation placed [
similarly used as internal subset social media domain platforms defined
technology usage as name tagging ] which is domain free cybernet wide
for rational thinking considerations of change. These do not require an
internet naming ID to be binded content to the appreciation of this
content email deliverance.
Your prefixed
name presence binding used above or these expressively purposed URLs
also text shown obscured in the displayed text copy [ Please use
mouse-over to show the actual URL defined ] that are similarly defined
addressing technology as direct name binding [ or tagging ] web presence
usage here that is purposed in this email. These are very much
real and different for domain2 [ Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace ] and domain3 and perhaps domain4 and domain5 [ a .school destination ]
Please do not question my resolve of these matters.
This technology active for this sharing
intention is absolute reality working technology that anyone is free to
use as well on our informational society universe. This
technology adaption has been active on my internet domains for over full
ten years and is absolutely nothing new. It is freely granted and
offered as open definable namespace in the subdomain technology value
fields for any deemed purpose of goodness that can be granted by this
binding trust network.
Full [ http://firstname-middle-lastname.
] can be used as well and I have done such coding to the binding
presence of prior efforts of web content that is indexed to search
engines. All so far that I receive is blocking, hate placed back
upon me to be treated as a pariah, further loss of trust against common
decency, and a silenced voice of community social trust concerns.
Wrong Wrong Wrong to continue. For my trust network is represented
by the creature presence as a pride of lions. Linked To: http://gvonncii.gruwup.net/1st-Knight-Lion/ [ Soundcloud Skip Marley Lions Music Media Play ] and http://gvonncii.gruwup.net/1st-Knight-Lion/YouTube [ Youtube Music Media with Lyrics ] : We are tired of lies, tired of lies.
Sincerely written to first person to:
is my intention to create one more final emphasis crazy talk animation
presentation media for change of focus priority content you have
presented in article posting:
Introduction heading excerpted provided here:
Envisioning more cohesive communities
By Joe Cortright
What aspects of the built environment give rise to greater social trust?
We’re pleased to offer a guest commentary today from Em
Friedenberg. Em is a recent graduate of the University of Oregon, who’s
studied urban design. Her recent research project provides some
compelling illustrations of some of the key building blocks for the kind
of urban fabric that both denote and encourage more cohesive
communities and socioeconomic mixing.
By Em Friedenberg
How does sharing a public space affect our trust in one another? How
can the shape of that space build or destroy that trust? As a kid
growing up in Portland, Oregon, I noticed my community’s distrust but
never thought about its link to the built environment; this all changed
after I spent a year studying in Copenhagen, Denmark. Copenhagen is
famously one of the happiest cities in the world, with rates of
bicycling that American cities can’t even conceptualize. There, parents
leave their sleeping babies in strollers outside cafes, and women roam
the city at night with confidence; at home in Portland, we locked our
doors even when we were only in the backyard, and I felt uncomfortable
walking the deserted streets after dark. This incredible trust entranced
me, and I found myself mourning the US’s miserable levels, and
wondering how we could change.
 Em Friedenberg’s Poster of design for inclusion (detail). ----
Who Am I?
James Martin Driskill San Bernardino CA USA, Planet Earth August 1st 2018
compared to the haters collective elite [ that would be them ]:
3 attachments |  | | image.png 1269K |
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