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Real President Donald Trump - personal page
The Icon for Never Applies here :
--- This ain't right.

Dear Mr President. This has been issued and declared to be important. I have shared a tweet to you which includes Pope Francis @Pontifex and Barack Obama @Potus44 in view of the the posting of this MISSION BADGE. I am writing a full letter addressing some issues that will follow.
On Twitter, please read the full and complete reply chain. Thank you.
The Title of This Post Is : Good Friends - True Friends - Why Do You Humans Lie So Much? :

Mr President Donald Trump --- You may not understanding my role here is
as you know @RealUpHuman and I do not skew or betray my trust of
offering that truth in this to you -- this is Real Up Human / @Gruwup
Truth that must be allowed to pass into your policy views. What ever
other issues are in the mix, please acknowledge these medias interviews
articles and subjects in this Facebook channel please. I would
appreciate your openness that you accept or not accept these materials
so that I can continue to provide you more additions for your
considerations on this subject. We are not dropping this at one
submission if you just are not going to listen. That is not a very nice
thing human to human and you know exactly what that is --- @FUH and
where there is a space for that of you -- if that should become the
needed memespace for my application of the truth to our best ways
forward. I appreciate your frankness -- dialogue -- and honesty here --
nothing else passes the Kramobone ---Graciously Yours, United States
Citizen James Martin Driskill, owner of / /
J : public post -- will apply each additional media here in this channel for your convenience. Thank you.
Colorado Gov says 420 Pot is in the State Constitution -- We are in "Test Law" mode --
Feds ???? What is your problem? Here is the actual truth to the psychology of drugs, use, dangerous or NOT!
@realpresidentdonaldtrumppersonalpage [ tag not working - I will send in messenger directly private ]
With Spoken Voice Text Narrative:
Stanton Peele
Addiction in Society
Normalizing Drug Use
Drug use does not become and remain addictive more often than other involvements
Posted Apr 25, 201 : Psychology Today:…/2014…/normalizing-drug-use
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The drug policy battle in the U.S. isn't about medical marijuana, or even legalizing marijuana. It's about normalizing drug use. Do drugs create different experiences from other involvements we are familiar with—are they more compelling, more inescapable, less controllable, more inexorable in their progression to addiction than other experiences that we encounter daily? They are not. By and large, people don't accept Bruce's, Carl's, and my idea that drug responses fall in the range of normal human experiences, or my idea of the equivalency of drug and behavioral addictions (which is now the American Psychiatric Association's official position). (Please don't answer, "You don't mean physiologically addictive." See The Meaning of Addiction.) Americans carry too much cultural baggage to allow those ideas in. Instead, we think drugs—especially narcotics, and most especially heroin, followed by cocaine, crack and meth—are "truly" addictive. So what? Maia goes on to cite statistics from the 2012 National Survey of Drug Use and Health, in which fewer than one percent of Americans have a serious marijuana problem, although 48 percent have used marijuana in their lives. Why, that's less than two percent of everyone who has ever used the drug who abuse or are addicted to the substance currently. That is so unlike dangerous drugs to which everyone rapidly becomes permanently addicted! Not exactly. Here are the lifetime use figures for heroin (2.6 percent), cocaine (18 percent), crack (5 percent), and meth (6 percent): Here are the current abusers/addicts with these drugs: heroin (0.1 percent), cocaine (0.4 percent), crack (not listed), meth (only stimulants listed = 0.2 percent). So, for heroin, that's four percent of ever users who are addicted, and for cocaine about the same as for marijuana (around 2 percent). While meth and crack can't be calculated, the figure is clearly a small minority (less than 10 percent). What are we to make of that? According to government surveys, people rarely find even the most addictive, dangerous drugs to be, well, addictive and dangerous. Please don't answer, "People don't tell the truth in government surveys." In their comprehensive follow-up of Vietnam vets addicted to heroin in Asia, Lee Robins and her colleagues found that users of heroin stateside were no more likely to consume that drug compulsively than were users of other illicit drugs. Based on this and other research, I said in The Meaning of Addiction, "heroin does not appear to differ significantly in the potential range of its use from other types of involvements, and even compulsive users cannot be distinguished from those given to other habitual involvements in the ease with which they desist or shift their patterns of use."
Feds ???? What is your problem? Here is the actual truth to the psychology of drugs, use, dangerous or NOT!
@realpresidentdonaldtrumppersonalpage [ tag not working - I will send in messenger directly private ]
With Spoken Voice Text Narrative:
Stanton Peele
Addiction in Society
Normalizing Drug Use
Drug use does not become and remain addictive more often than other involvements
Posted Apr 25, 201 : Psychology Today:…/2014…/normalizing-drug-use
---------- [ Cited Quoted Excerpts ]------
The drug policy battle in the U.S. isn't about medical marijuana, or even legalizing marijuana. It's about normalizing drug use. Do drugs create different experiences from other involvements we are familiar with—are they more compelling, more inescapable, less controllable, more inexorable in their progression to addiction than other experiences that we encounter daily? They are not. By and large, people don't accept Bruce's, Carl's, and my idea that drug responses fall in the range of normal human experiences, or my idea of the equivalency of drug and behavioral addictions (which is now the American Psychiatric Association's official position). (Please don't answer, "You don't mean physiologically addictive." See The Meaning of Addiction.) Americans carry too much cultural baggage to allow those ideas in. Instead, we think drugs—especially narcotics, and most especially heroin, followed by cocaine, crack and meth—are "truly" addictive. So what? Maia goes on to cite statistics from the 2012 National Survey of Drug Use and Health, in which fewer than one percent of Americans have a serious marijuana problem, although 48 percent have used marijuana in their lives. Why, that's less than two percent of everyone who has ever used the drug who abuse or are addicted to the substance currently. That is so unlike dangerous drugs to which everyone rapidly becomes permanently addicted! Not exactly. Here are the lifetime use figures for heroin (2.6 percent), cocaine (18 percent), crack (5 percent), and meth (6 percent): Here are the current abusers/addicts with these drugs: heroin (0.1 percent), cocaine (0.4 percent), crack (not listed), meth (only stimulants listed = 0.2 percent). So, for heroin, that's four percent of ever users who are addicted, and for cocaine about the same as for marijuana (around 2 percent). While meth and crack can't be calculated, the figure is clearly a small minority (less than 10 percent). What are we to make of that? According to government surveys, people rarely find even the most addictive, dangerous drugs to be, well, addictive and dangerous. Please don't answer, "People don't tell the truth in government surveys." In their comprehensive follow-up of Vietnam vets addicted to heroin in Asia, Lee Robins and her colleagues found that users of heroin stateside were no more likely to consume that drug compulsively than were users of other illicit drugs. Based on this and other research, I said in The Meaning of Addiction, "heroin does not appear to differ significantly in the potential range of its use from other types of involvements, and even compulsive users cannot be distinguished from those given to other habitual involvements in the ease with which they desist or shift their patterns of use."
What are we to make of that? According to government surveys, people rarely find even the most addictive, dangerous drugs to be, well, addictive and dangerous. Please don't answer, "People don't tell the truth in government surveys." In their comprehensive follow-up of Vietnam vets addicted to heroin in Asia, Lee Robins and her colleagues found that users of heroin stateside were no more likely to consume that drug compulsively than were users of other illicit drugs. Based on this and other research, I said in The Meaning of Addiction, "heroin does not appear to differ significantly in the potential range of its use from other types of involvements, and even compulsive users cannot be distinguished from those given to other habitual involvements in the ease with which they desist or shift their patterns of use."
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