James Driskill <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>

Adding a Comment to a Truthfinder Record -- this comment I copied into the clipboard -- will note update.
2 messages

Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 8:59 AM
To: TruthFinder Help <help@truthfinder.com>
Onto the Record of Robert Steward Robinson -- in the section of residence, for he and I have crossing lives.  He is a victim of #conspiracy


You going to allow this comment to remain all time history -- knowing I am making my stand on your site here.  Or are you going to delete this comment to the protection of conspirators of a hate collective inside of something greater and grand you think could not happen in the United States of America?

I have an outgoing #Makta.Pond Media Creation to the knowing of circumstances to this radio transcript applies:

As a person already involved in computing and telecommunications, having already written 2 prior BBS software from scratch, being debut in the Library Journal in November of 1987 I am showing -- my work effort of bringing attention to HIV/AIDS issues was long standing way long before I became infected. This radio broadcast recorded onto my side of listening real time live in somewhere in my cassette library records tapes --- in Denver Colorado Storage -- now that I have that exposed -- lets break into my storage and burglarize it --to steal that record of truth.  For these conspirators of hate --- anything and everything is questionable possible -- for that already happened to my OAKLAND STORAGE UNIT at PUBLICSTORAGE and here is the record of that truth.

Who and what you believe is irrelevant to know I hold truth record conspiracy on top of everything here -- I do not lie, cheat, or steal my way through life. And this matter is still not solved.

To your issued statement on record now here, at this time you do not want to become partners.  Well, that is ok I suppose --- I was not truing asking for net partnership. I was attempting to relate truth as truthfinder you cannot allow a lie to pass into view when you know it is a lie.  And for that --- my address to you services.  And that my dearest on kind sirs gentlemen and ladies alike, is that which is a great sin to pass a lie onto a record when you indeed realize it is a lie. You are not going to be an ignorant part of story casting here -- for you must realize the truth and take TRUTHFINDER to the limit and please that some common wisdom I depose upon you of our roles and responsibilities as net citizen's seriously please. 

PLEASE EJECT THESE SOURCES OF HATE ENABLERS OFF THE WEB -- it is damn important you realize your enabled sources are part of my record of truth. And when you meet yourself sometime in the future --- record of immorality possible.  What will your copy say you did today was right or wrong.  When the artificial intelligence will collect all of it out here -- and truly rectify the missing paces of story I cannot reach -- in hidden subterfuge.  This is a VERY DETAILS COMPLEX ISSUE and for that -- KPFA introduces this radio broadcast to that limit to which we all are just so blind to be only accepting quips of news and quirks, quirts, and queers of lives lost -- and all is lost here of our collective common conscience in that indecent human condition. 

quirts you say?  It goes to the horse back riding event I attempted with Darrell Vigil, Executive Director of Colorado Health Network in this audio transcript of the email I wrote.... and you take that --- meaning -- you all deserve your whippings or public flogging as I said. You all are shameful to allow this standard of cover-up.  Do not cross me in complacency again.  You cannot win my standing on wisdom wise betterment excellence foundations of memeplexes you don't see.  Because you have been given this story --- absolute to my best ability accurate to the word, deliverance to the world.  @REALUPHUMAN


Way way way off the lines of moral performances here -- way way off the track this train has detailed. 

Try to sleep at night -- yuck you are sleeping comfortable in this mess of others I assume and not do something grand scale intervention.

Good day.

I am only scholarly at all levels of this address - this radio broadcast url has American Library archive to place it direct reference --- not a domain archive.

Don't you think this is time to quit being stupid and make this hate collective impassible time here to  continue against community peaceful ways of loving freely?.  Don't you think it is time to make a statement on your site that no one is insulated from the truthfinder record?  Perhaps only one type of person could be, a spy of our government intelligence CIA.  Perhaps or perhaps not. I don't make enough money here in my effort at FREE WORDS of ADVICE -- without pay of any kind to this mission work I am on.  I don't have that kind of pay scale informative knowledge.  You craft it wise to all things wellness of the net morality standing I am placing against this to hold us to our moral lines collectively. We have lost it.

Don't you think that is apart of why I contacted you onto Harvey Weinstien. I don't want partnership... I want your commitment of truth to bear witness to equally across all channels of humankind -that is the standard of address I was expecting.

Thank for you clarifying you do not want to become net business  partners -- until that comment would be made by your organization, I would not want to become net partners with you anyway.  There is no business partnership at level that was offered because I am running a profit or not for profit business for this mission work. I have but no special interest but the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth to offer your partnership of net solvency.


This address in 1990 on Public Radio began as this -- the subject matter to which later is HIV/AIDS -- this is a complexity of things -- and you all care to not want complex issues placed forward to the record of truth.  No much for your small minds to handle apparent. My mind is not small.


Full text of "KPFA folio June 1990"

See other formats


■ Listener Sponsored Pacifica Radio ■ Program Guide for KPFA & KFCF ■ June 1990 

A Weekday Program About 
Science, the Humanities, and Our Survival 


By Ginny Z. Berson 

You have an extremely limited attention span. Any- 
thing that can't be said in less than five minutes is 
something that you don't want to hear. You're not in- 
terested in the serious trealmenl of ideas, or in-depth 
philosophical discussions. 

tional Wisdom of broadcasting. 
"Make it short; make it snappy; re- 
duce everything to the lowest com- 
mon denominator." You sec it in the 
30-second sound bite on TV; you hear 
it on commercial radio, and more and 
more on non -commercial radio. 

There is, of course, some truth to 
the notion that people want their in- 
formation in short, easily digestible 
pieces~we are after all, overwhelmed 
with information, and in the Bay Area 
we have over 70 radio stations to choose from-and 
people do push those buttons. 

Still, or maybe, because of this trend, we at KPFA 
believe that there is a strong need for the long form, 
for the careful consideration of sophisticated concepts. 
And we believe that KPFA listeners want this kind of 

Consequently, this month we are very please to de- 
but a new program called Brainstorm, airing from 
noon -1:00 pm, Monday through Friday. 

The concept for Brainstorm developed out of a 
series of discussions various staff members held 
during the past nine months. We felt the need to ad- 
dress a variety of issues that have received inconsistent 
or insufficient time in our broadcast schedule. Specifi- 
cally, we wanted to cover questions of science and 

technology, environmentalism, education, urban sur- 
vival, and the broad area of humanities--including his- 
tory, spirituality, psychology and parapsychology, ar- 
chitecture, philosophy, religion, anthropology, etc. 

What tied all these broad concepts together, we 
thought, was their focus on ideas. And so we put them 
under the rubric oi Brainstorm. Each day of the week 
will feature a different host, focussing on a dilferent 
area of consideration. 

This is the comments still not posting -- I will assume the login timed out. I will try to place this comment after a new login. If it fails to update.  Give me reason why?

I have had to make this public record statement at an extreme level because no response on any matter of comparatives of why this has occurred and offer a soundboard for this topic can be found., You cannot just ignore this -- and say -- ok -- he is weird -- because I am weird --- that makes me more qualified to write this way.  I have the authority of my own personal honor to not drop this --- it is not dropped - those who drop the ball to ignore this or delete this --- are conspirators of hate.  We cannot pass this to any form of solvency for our net to not see us wise 40 years from now when I told you so goes out of my archives be collective detection of net interweaving truths and the hidden details are finally connected on this.  We cannot let that be the endgame time when I know what is here. Very very disturbing trends unaddressed in the focus of priories unaddressed in this nation. I expect this nation will not exist for very much longer in this is the standard to which  no one can talk real truth shit!

Comment on Robert Steward Robinson: on adam4adam as profile blkynstud9 : marked in memespace here as http://blkynstud9.gruwup.net ---

We can do this gracefully -- with an address you might consider taking to a limit -- here at Truthfinder we consider anything on the web that is at http:// standard to be public records open accessed.  As history has placed adam4adam long standing to be that open, we feel we must take the record into positions into our database.  If we understand the web user responsibility side of this, we have a conflict we can't seem to relate to why users would put themselves at such risk of exposure. 

More likely, it is caused by a lack of net computing moral responsibility of net partnerships to a standard that is directly addressed in computing and moral responsibility and information privacy in cyberspace transactions.

We at Truthfinder realize that as time passes, we have lost our intelligence to bring everyone through this process of national security focus to be treated decently as American Citizens Equal.

We are attempting to resolve this matter as adam4adam reasserts thier moral standing to our collective wise audience denouements on file already present on the web for many years now. We have lost our ability to be decent net citizens somewhere here.

It would be challenging to know why -- but lives lived freely it must be the reason.  We are impeding on the life natural course development of persons who have been treated unfairly since the creation of all things best are not so best afterall.

For what it is to be a human on planet earth. ?

We have lost our conscience by special interests.

We have lost our compassion in that unbalanced equation where we cannot remain honest because of unbalanced relationships formed under a corrupted truth living existence.  We believe in the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth should be able to documented onto the web and not left out of balance to be abused by persons who wish to take such documented truth to the hate extremes that we can by a cited example offered us by a member this year of 2017.

There are faults made and we see how one person's view remains challenged to bring forward..... and he wants to remove his nationality of citizenry of UNTIED STATES or to the level of suicide because we have dropped the ball on this classification of humans who for now this date of time can get married.

We do not support the Defense of Marriage act. We support same-sex marriage.


That would be great starter point. To the repairing tear of decency that I have been writing about for 10 years strong.  All of the documented statements made from me real truth, real honest, and sometimes XXX rated. So what?  I am in tears you all at Truthfinder to find me valid as well.  You can pass this insanity onto us anymore.

On member comment -- this remains filed until there is an official net delivered authority statement such as I propose in example above onto the record of human truth.  Thank you.  I have tagged DARPA in many of these addresses -- I have absolutely drains my soul at all of you -- to no avail of counsels strong or wise. You are insane.

Robert Stewart Robinson and I, James Martin Driskill become roommates as of January of 2017 for a period of 5months and two weeks.  As I am in the continued documentation of a hate collective group conspiracy and how that conspiracy was internally exposed in October 2016 to be internal tiered at Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments.  He knows I am documenting fully and some of these involvements fully out to "your crazy" unfathomable detailed and complex.  I told Rob that this might be true... from just the first tier exposure of this conspiracy.  i placed to the record on my site the effect of documentation that places violations of privacy interactions as a reason why Rob was never returned back into employment status at Work Force Boulder -- which job work is showing in this report on Truthfinder. Their reasons, he expressed to me was for now credit report score issues.

At this point, I cannot hold what is true from him or anything other than that is what he said was the reasoning. 

So that they dis-employee him as he and all staff are involved in the privatization reorganization of Work Force Boulder, a very stressful condition that he is now living on unemployment long term trying to get reemployed there.  This process of reevaluation and return to work status in these cases are are matters of law based obligation to this process. 

I have on file with my care to document all levels of my life fully impacted this conspiracy and cause to effect I see happening internal of community and it's own non-attention to affairs of grand importance.

His awards and certificates and letters of recommendation of excellence in his job field employment there at Work Force Bolder.  There would be absolutely no reason not to return his job to him.

At this point in conspiracy when I do not have any trust completely solid built, but a continued next tier level insane to it's purpose that occurred later in July with persons involved at the Colorado Health Network staff / aka Denver Aids Project [ DenverCap ], who by way of knowing interfaces between the health department to report STDS is a communications mediator of function for the health department account at Adam4adam onto reporting STDS anonymously.  As obvious as it must be created as a messaging option to source meetings of possible infections, I see that is morally just.

But in the process to which I know all of these internal workings have ties that are true to their associations are established and they are suppose to remain confidential -- but I believe with a solid set of becomes self-evident circumstantial records of my documentation, I hold a story where all of these have not remained confidential.  Something seriously wrong is happening in all of this.   These are not mere random acts of circumstances. They are not just collisions of disoriented injustices that has occurred against a class of community members.  Both of HIV which I am documenting from and Rob who is not considered a part of that sub-set culture community but a sub-set of cultures to which both of these scholarly authored documents onto our cyber-world standards apply to common sense. 

Who takes the moral responsibility for the creations of actions so high and mighty here, they remain hidden away in secrets of society elite so they are to remain untouchable as I claim.

I do not have Rob's permission of authority to release this truth documentation to the general public -- and as the legal rule of necessity applies to this, the lesser of evils so called violations of privacy here, I see no other option but to place this comment as allowed by Truthfinder into the record stream.  I see no other option, but to place the strangeness of interactions on Adam4adam to this folder root.



I see no other options but to go out of the box of standards --- and into a box of LION WISE COURAGE to bring forward something that most would say is wrong. Most would say is unbelievable.  Most might question maybe., not likely. But likely is the case and my later addresses begin to become word oriented to writing the finality of this from outside of the United States with a change of nationality citizenry -- for to be able to bust and terminate this conspiracy within this community is showing itself impossible. 

This is not a laughing joke.... but I just chuckled anyway. To prevent the deepest darkest crying I have done recently to the effect my mother is attempting to call Dr. Phil for how to best resolve this tomorrow finally after pleading with her to see what is happening here.  Her at her own offer resolve for I am going out of the nation. I mean it this time.... I will deal with the enable@un.org from outside of the United States.  Or will they deny my passport for I have no security issues within my own Truthfinder report to deny such actions against me.  They will not trap me into this country and not allow me to break away.  They?  Who are they you ask?

On Adam4adam, there has been long term stagnation of their GUI graphical user interface to the web. The code written and seemed to be unaltered for so long. I challenged their ability to maintain this standard due to NATIONAL SECURITY reasons long before they changed just 6-8 months ago to https:// web browser interface. This is true.  I have archived web pages through all of this and when it shows I archived the file, it was http:// and now it is just recently changed.

Gravity of Concern here, is no one truly is paying any mind or attention to these concerns because of the sexuality topics of this social "dating app" if you  call it that platform.  Well, that is not an excuse. No No No don't bother saying to leave them fend for themselves --- dis-employed -- not reemployed do to this exact process -- involving a collusion of considerations association that you can't seem to relate how extensive this is -- but I know when I was in Oakland and attempted to discuss many issues of topics related to HIV standards of care agency issues, I was denied access to discussion.  Charles, the driver for TheCenterOakland.org which later turned to vitallifeservices.org recoiled when I attempted to bring up this, he basically slammed the door shut with no true justifiable reason why. 

That was over 10 years ago -- from that exchange goes a defined "Big Secret" and the writing of this to the mayor of Oakland CA at the time now who is GOVERNOR Jerry Brown.  This is real people -- documentation past and present - live timestamped -- this is no new creations of interactions fake news or fake documentations. 

Written In My Journals [ http://gruwup.net/%5bWebDomains%5d/Multiply.com/inthemindway.multiply.com%20-%20James'%20Site/Journal.html ] self-archived since this site gone of course, is this text:


 Fw: An Open Letter to the American People....

From: James M. Driskill <jmdriskill@post.com>
To: Ann Speyer <ann@thecenteroakland.org>
CC: <debbie@thecenteroakland.org>, <peggy@thecenteroakland.org>, <Jan_Nunes.via.Law_Offices_Of_Todd_B_RothBard@realuphuman.net>, Alan Horwitz <witz_law@yahoo.com>, Sara Paul Malan <sara@alrp.org>, <Jamal_Graham_via_Law_Offices_Of_Todd_B_RothBard@realuphuman.net>
Date: Apr 11 2006 - 7:25pm

I asked for an avenue for policy pathways..... you give none --- because you don't have in place here in this area. Why is that I wonder. Then you ask me to the Aids Office of Admin. I have Ron Person in many of these distributions.

CITY AIDS AMERICAS: recommends grassroots m---ods for Oakland.... realizing there is no policy pathway in place.... that was over a year ago.... I have been encountering major roadblocks and subterfuge in my efforts with you --- and everyone in my path.... others in this community as well... These are plain to see.

Again... I call onto a community that does not DUMB DOWN it's members....... when is there going to be an address to these issues community wide. I wonder how many others have to die before there is a real effort --- an urgent effort --- as also needed in the subject pathway of this material I used in co-comparison --- they are inter-related.

Thank you.

Mr. James M. Driskill

Are we clarifying the position that I hold onto this as CLEAR and PROPER from ARCHIVED FORMS of documentations carrying forward to now 2017?

Are you telling me that you don't believe this fax to then Mayor Jerry Brown is real? It is FAKE DOCUMENTATION?  Really?


Dated: 4/10/2006

Which is interesting to note that on the date of 4/7/2006 three days prior is the first record filing of #WordsToLiveBy as noted on the First Published Online tag at the end:

http://wordstoliveby.gruwup.net/young_night_thoughts.pdf  --
First published  online 7 April 2006 at THE LITERARY GOTHIC

I have nothing further to write here -- except for the adam4adam support tickets that are questionable processed by adam4adam support team members as more subterfuge an aspect of prevaricating conspirators involved in this extremely disturbing of hate collective that has been once again targeting me --- will this ever get exposed? 


Personal Letter of Apology to have to engage a legal standard here called legal necessity to a breaking of traditional privacy considerations involving why this must be told in this form.  The public would not view this any way but crazy without the actual links to real people and real events documented against the commons of "DL" cultural ways of thinking.  I have no other options but to have disclose this -- in this form -- because it is more likely than not -- this cause that I document here continues to be covered up.  Until there is true community rejection and protest about what is occurring, this conspiracy will more likely than not continue. I am changing my US NATIONALITY STATUS to some other place -- let you all go down for not giving a care.  I cannot see how you all are foolish victims in this creation of #conspiracy that no one will talk about.  It is real to all things best be honest --- unvarnished tale here ---I hate your insolence to accept this upon our community as wisdom wise to continue. You all have the right to be in whatever path you happen on.  I hate your insolence to reject me in community everywhere when I am the one holding the truth bearer message --- and I am the one who is in view of sacrifice of my life path.  GOD, I cannot do this anymore. I cannot do this, I warn you -- one more  insult to my intelligence is a insult one too many.  They kill the messenger by suicide paths I cannot find how to get reactive function on.  This is fact I will not shut up about. 



It is the JOB FIELD in this profile filed out as "Isn't important"  -- someone should get hold of the reasons so that this does not have to be "legal necessity" to why this is being covered up.  HELP?


Here is the POLICY STATEMENT to which I am writing to:  There are no banned words here in this posting.  Truth-finder shall not censor it because it can't be covered up in that method --- of protecting the haters and prevaricators after I have placed the matter of Harvey Weinstein to the test of public showing or hidden record indexing.

We cannot continue to isolate the haters in our society.  We cannot compare language violations to legal necessity to why I must declare a fault of orientation to excellence has been extremely lost by administrators of technology domain presences across these genre oriented sites -- figuring no one would dare bring forward to this this method -- in the matter to which I am being forced to create this record today. 

Why can you not see this matter is so urgency needed address --- and stop stop stop the hate and stop stop stop ignoring me? 

How can you all sleep at night??

I should only have to write one of this --- in this matter - but I will assume that it will somehow fall of deaf ears, even though I am calling truthfinder to clarify this posting is accurate and complete to these circumstances and that we cannot proceed in these matters to #ConspiracyCoveredUp. We cannot proceed in any fashion to the words of Pope Francis or the Word of Edward Young Several Centuries Earlier.

How can you all sleep at night?   Yuck!



Words To Live By
Use Seach Meme : #WordsToLiveBy : Facebook : Twitter : Instagram

Mp3 Audio Spoken Voice Narration Of This Page
Main #WordsToLiveBy Folder

See Also : Quality Over Quanity - No Hidden Agendas

Art thou dejected?
Is thy mind o'ercast?
To chase thy gloom,
Go fix some weighty truth;
Chain down some passion; do some generous good;
Teach Ignorance to see, or Grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail. —ANON

THE province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere they elude forever his grasp and weave them into a harmonious web to which the art preservative may give immortality. Therefore he who would rescue from fast gathering oblivion the deeds of a community and send them on to futurity in an imperishable record should deliver a plain unvarnished tale. [1][2]

about: Words To Live By

These Words Above Appear In These Titled Publications:

Many thoughts of many minds. Compiled by H. Southgate
by Henry Southgate - 1862...

Treasury of wisdom, wit and humor, odd comparisons and proverbs:
1891 - Quotations, English

Exercises, rules, and hints on elocution
George Walter Baynham - 1881

The Poetical works of Milton, Young, Gray, Beattie, and Collins
John Milton, Edward Young, Thomas Gray - 1836

History of the Counties of McKean, Elk, Cameron and Potter
J.H. Beers & Co - 1890

Much instruction from little reading: or, extracts from some of the most approved authors, ancient and modern

Treasury of wisdom, wit and humor, odd comparisons and proverbs:
Adam Woolbever (comp.), comp Adam Woolbever - 1881

The works of the Rev. Dr. Edward Young - Volume 3
Edward Young - 1811

Elegant extracts - Volumes 1-2
Vicesimus Knox - 1809

Paradise lost: in twelve parts
John Milton, Edward Young - 1849

Poems divine and moral: many of them now first published

The Cynosure: being select passages from the most distinguished writers

The Essays of "George Eliot"
George Eliot, Nathan Sheppard - 2009

Ravensdale: A Tale - Volume 2
Robert Thynne - 1845

The Universalist leader - Volume 35, Issue 43

GOOGLE BOOKS SEARCH [ "Go fix Some Weighty Truth" ][5]

More Information Can Be Found/Discussed At This Link:
WikiWorld : WordsToLiveBy

@GRUWUP 2012 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace

©2012 by James Martin Driskill, All Rights Reserved.

Contact email: WordsToLiveBy-WebPageInquires@gruwup.net



James DJust Now
Robert Stewart Robinson and I, James Martin Driskill become roommates as of January of 2017 for a period of 5months and two weeks. As I am in the continued documentation of a hate collective group conspiracy and how that conspiracy was internally exposed in October 2016 to be internal tiered at Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments. He knows I am documenting fully and some of these involvements fully out to "your crazy" unfathomable detailed and complex. I told Rob that this might be true... from just the first tier exposure of this conspiracy. i placed to the record on my site the effect of documentation that places violations of privacy interactions as a reason why Rob was never returned back into employment status at Work Force Boulder -- which job work is showing in this report on Truthfinder. Their reasons, he expressed to me was for now credit report score issues. At this point, I cannot hold what is true from him or anything other than that is what he said was the reasoning. So that they dis-employee him as he and all staff are involved in the privatization reorganization of Work Force Boulder, a very stressful condition that he is now living on unemployment long term trying to get reemployed there. This process of reevaluation and return to work status in these cases are are matters of law based obligation to this process. I have on file with my care to document all levels of my life fully impacted this conspiracy and cause to effect I see happening internal of community and it's own non-attention to affairs of grand importance. His awards and certificates and letters of recommendation of excellence in his job field employment there at Work Force Bolder. There would be absolutely no reason not to return his job to him. At this point in conspiracy when I do not have any trust completely solid built, but a continued next tier level insane to it's purpose that occurred later in July with persons involved at the Colorado Health Network staff / aka Denver Aids Project [ DenverCap ], who by way of knowing interfaces between the health department to report STDS is a communications mediator of function for the health department account at Adam4adam onto reporting STDS anonymously. As obvious as it must be created as a messaging option to source meetings of possible infections, I see that is morally just. But in the process to which I know all of these internal workings have ties that are true to their associations are established and they are suppose to remain confidential -- but I believe with a solid set of becomes self-evident circumstantial records of my documentation, I hold a story where all of these have not remained confidential. Something seriously wrong is happening in all of this. These are not mere random acts of circumstances. They are not just collisions of disoriented injustices that has occurred against a class of community members. Both of HIV which I am documenting from and Rob who is not considered a part of that sub-set culture community but a sub-set of cultures to which both of these scholarly authored documents onto our cyber-world standards apply to common sense. Who takes the moral responsibility for the creations of actions so high and mighty here, they remain hidden away in secrets of society elite so they are to remain untouchable as I claim. I do not have Rob's permission of authority to release this truth documentation to the general public -- and as the legal rule of necessity applies to this, the lesser of evils so called violations of privacy here, I see no other option but to place this comment as allowed by Truthfinder into the record stream. I see no other option, but to place the strangeness of interactions on Adam4adam to this folder root. http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/Adam4Adam/ http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/Adam4Adam/User2Support-Msg/ I see no other options but to go out of the box of standards --- and into a box of LION WISE COURAGE to bring forward something that most would say is wrong. Most would say is unbelievable. Most might question maybe., not likely. But likely is the case and my later addresses begin to become word oriented to writing the finality of this from outside of the United States with a change of nationality citizenry -- for to be able to bust and terminate this conspiracy within this community is showing itself impossible. This is not a laughing joke.... but I just chuckled anyway. To prevent the deepest darkest crying I have done recently to the effect my mother is attempting to call Dr. Phil for how to best resolve this tomorrow finally after pleading with her to see what is happening here. Her at her own offer resolve for I am going out of the nation. I mean it this time.... I will deal with the enable@un.org from outside of the United States. Or will they deny my passport for I have no security issues within my own Truthfinder report to deny such actions against me. They will not trap me into this country and not allow me to break away. They? Who are they you ask? On Adam4adam, there has been long term stagnation of their GUI graphical user interface to the web. The code written and seemed to be unaltered for so long. I challenged their ability to maintain this standard due to NATIONAL SECURITY reasons long before they changed just 6-8 months ago to https:// web browser interface. This is true. I have archived web pages through all of this and when it shows I archived the file, it was http:// and now it is just recently changed. Gravity of Concern here, is no one truly is paying any mind or attention to these concerns because of the sexuality topics of this social "dating app" if you call it that platform. Well, that is not an excuse. No No No don't bother saying to leave them fend for themselves --- dis-employed -- not reemployed do to this exact process -- involving a collusion of considerations association that you can't seem to relate how extensive this is -- but I know when I was in Oakland and attempted to discuss many issues of topics related to HIV standards of care agency issues, I was denied access to discussion. Charles, the driver for TheCenterOakland.org which later turned to vitallifeservices.org recoiled when I attempted to bring up this, he basically slammed the door shut with no true justifiable reason why. That was over 10 years ago -- from that exchange goes a defined "Big Secret" and the writing of this to the mayor of Oakland CA at the time now who is GOVERNOR Jerry Brown. This is real people -- documentation past and present - live timestamped -- this is no new creations of interactions fake news or fake documentations. Written In My Journals [ http://gruwup.net/%5bWebDomains%5d/Multiply.com/inthemindway.multiply.com%20-%20James'%20Site/Journal.html ] self-archived since this site gone of course, is this text: ------- Fw: An Open Letter to the American People.... From: James M. Driskill To: Ann Speyer CC: , , , Alan Horwitz , Sara Paul Malan , Date: Apr 11 2006 - 7:25pm ANN: I asked for an avenue for policy pathways..... you give none --- because you don't have in place here in this area. Why is that I wonder. Then you ask me to the Aids Office of Admin. I have Ron Person in many of these distributions. CITY AIDS AMERICAS: recommends grassroots m---ods for Oakland.... realizing there is no policy pathway in place.... that was over a year ago.... I have been encountering major roadblocks and subterfuge in my efforts with you --- and everyone in my path.... others in this community as well... These are plain to see. Again... I call onto a community that does not DUMB DOWN it's members....... when is there going to be an address to these issues community wide. I wonder how many others have to die before there is a real effort --- an urgent effort --- as also needed in the subject pathway of this material I used in co-comparison --- they are inter-related. Thank you. Mr. James M. Driskill ------- Are we clarifying the position that I hold onto this as CLEAR and PROPER from ARCHIVED FORMS of documentations carrying forward to now 2017? Are you telling me that you don't believe this fax to then Mayor Jerry Brown is real? It is FAKE DOCUMENTATION? Really? http://realuphuman.net/%5bPersons%5d/Mr.Mayor.Jerry.Brown/I%20live%20in%20Oakland%20at%20Allen%20Temple%20Manor%20-%20Experencing%20a%20subtrefuge%20of%20mentalities.tif Dated: 4/10/2006 Which is interesting to note that on the date of 4/7/2006 three days prior is the first record filing of #WordsToLiveBy as noted on the First Published Online tag at the end: http://wordstoliveby.gruwup.net/young_night_thoughts.pdf -- First published online 7 April 2006 at THE LITERARY GOTHIC www.litgothic.com I have nothing further to write here -- except for the adam4adam support tickets that are questionable processed by adam4adam support team members as more subterfuge an aspect of prevaricating conspirators involved in this extremely disturbing of hate collective that has been once again targeting me --- will this ever get exposed? http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/Adam4Adam/User2Support-Msg/ Personal Letter of Apology to have to engage a legal standard here called legal necessity to a breaking of traditional privacy considerations involving why this must be told in this form. The public would not view this any way but crazy without the actual links to real people and real events documented against the commons of "DL" cultural ways of thinking. I have no other options but to have disclose this -- in this form -- because it is more likely than not -- this cause that I document here continues to be covered up. Until there is true community rejection and protest about what is occurring, this conspiracy will more likely than not continue. I am changing my US NATIONALITY STATUS to some other place -- let you all go down for not giving a care. I cannot see how you all are foolish victims in this creation of #conspiracy that no one will talk about. It is real to all things best be honest --- unvarnished tale here ---I hate your insolence to accept this upon our community as wisdom wise to continue. You all have the right to be in whatever path you happen on. I hate your insolence to reject me in community everywhere when I am the one holding the truth bearer message --- and I am the one who is in view of sacrifice of my life path. GOD, I cannot do this anymore. I cannot do this, I warn you -- one more insult to my intelligence is a insult one too many. They kill the messenger by suicide paths I cannot find how to get reactive function on. This is fact I will not shut up about. WARNING THE LINKS HERE BELOW HAVE ADULT CONTENT ORIENTATION -- AND ONE REASON WHY NO ONE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS ISSUE -- WE ARE ALL COWARDS TO OUR SEXUALITY IDENTITIES -- BUT I AM NOT! I TAKE GREAT CARE -- BUT NOTHING HERE IS SHOWING COVERED UP! http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/Adam4Adam/User2User-Msg/BlackTotalTopnLA/Adam4Adam%20%5bBlackTotalTopnLA%5d.html It is the JOB FIELD in this profile filed out as "Isn't important" -- someone should get hold of the reasons so that this does not have to be "legal necessity" to why this is being covered up. HELP? http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/Adam4Adam/User2User-Msg/Slim888/Adam4AdamProfile-%5bSlim888%5d.html Here is the POLICY STATEMENT to which I am writing to: There are no banned words here in this posting. Truth-finder shall not censor it because it can't be covered up in that method --- of protecting the haters and prevaricators after I have placed the matter of Harvey Weinstein to the test of public showing or hidden record indexing. We cannot continue to isolate the haters in our society. We cannot compare language violations to legal necessity to why I must declare a fault of orientation to excellence has been extremely lost by administrators of technology domain presences across these genre oriented sites -- figuring no one would dare bring forward to this this method -- in the matter to which I am being forced to create this record today. Why can you not see this matter is so urgency needed address --- and stop stop stop the hate and stop stop stop ignoring me? How can you all sleep at night?? I should only have to write one of this --- in this matter - but I will assume that it will somehow fall of deaf ears, even though I am calling truthfinder to clarify this posting is accurate and complete to these circumstances and that we cannot proceed in these matters to #ConspiracyCoveredUp. We cannot proceed in any fashion to the words of Pope Francis or the Word of Edward Young Several Centuries Earlier. How can you all sleep at night? Yuck! ------ http://community.gruwup.net/Words-To-Live-By/ Words To Live By Use Seach Meme : #WordsToLiveBy : Facebook : Twitter : Instagram Mp3 Audio Spoken Voice Narration Of This Page Main #WordsToLiveBy Folder See Also : Quality Over Quanity - No Hidden Agendas Art thou dejected? Is thy mind o'ercast? To chase thy gloom, Go fix some weighty truth; Chain down some passion; do some generous good; Teach Ignorance to see, or Grief to smile; Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe; Be just in all things; make amends For follies past, and, with warm heart, Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate, And then thy counsels will be strong, Thy reprimands avail. —ANON THE province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere they elude forever his grasp and weave them into a harmonious web to which the art preservative may give immortality. Therefore he who would rescue from fast gathering oblivion the deeds of a community and send them on to futurity in an imperishable record should deliver a plain unvarnished tale. [1][2] about: Words To Live By These Words Above Appear In These Titled Publications: Many thoughts of many minds. Compiled by H. Southgate by Henry Southgate - 1862... http://books.google.com/books?id=50ACAAAAQAAJ Treasury of wisdom, wit and humor, odd comparisons and proverbs: 1891 - Quotations, English http://books.google.com/books?id=784OAAAAMAAJ Exercises, rules, and hints on elocution http://books.google.com/books?id=ICMCAAAAQAAJ George Walter Baynham - 1881 The Poetical works of Milton, Young, Gray, Beattie, and Collins http://books.google.com/books?id=vig-AAAAYAAJ John Milton, Edward Young, Thomas Gray - 1836 History of the Counties of McKean, Elk, Cameron and Potter http://books.google.com/books?id=k9AwAQAAMAAJ J.H. Beers & Co - 1890 Much instruction from little reading: or, extracts from some of the most approved authors, ancient and modern http://books.google.com/books?id=Y0oLAAAAYAAJ 1827 Treasury of wisdom, wit and humor, odd comparisons and proverbs: http://books.google.com/books?id=e-UsAAAAYAAJ Adam Woolbever (comp.), comp Adam Woolbever - 1881 The works of the Rev. Dr. Edward Young - Volume 3 http://books.google.com/books?id=AU4oAAAAYAAJ Edward Young - 1811 Elegant extracts - Volumes 1-2 http://books.google.com/books?id=Vj4UAAAAYAAJ Vicesimus Knox - 1809 Paradise lost: in twelve parts http://books.google.com/books?id=ckQ1AAAAMAAJ John Milton, Edward Young - 1849 Poems divine and moral: many of them now first published http://books.google.com/books?id=k0B2itLvoBgC 1821 The Cynosure: being select passages from the most distinguished writers http://books.google.com/books?id=jt8sAAAAYAAJ 1837 The Essays of "George Eliot" http://books.google.com/books?isbn=1406851086 George Eliot, Nathan Sheppard - 2009 Ravensdale: A Tale - Volume 2 http://books.google.com/books?id=c8wwAQAAMAAJ Robert Thynne - 1845 The Universalist leader - Volume 35, Issue 43 http://books.google.com/books?id=ztXmAAAAMAAJ 1932 AND MANY OTHER PUBLICATIONS CAN BE FOUND BY A GOOGLE BOOKS SEARCH [ "Go fix Some Weighty Truth" ][5] More Information Can Be Found/Discussed At This Link: WikiWorld : WordsToLiveBy @GRUWUP 2012 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace ©2012 by James Martin Driskill, All Rights Reserved. Contact email: WordsToLiveBy-WebPageInquires@gruwup.net

Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 9:56 AM
To: TruthFinder Help <help@truthfinder.com>

I forgot to include the record of breaking my lock --- in October of 2007 to my Oakland -- there is absolutely no way to distrust my storage accurate -- to the deletion of me when I die.

Inline image 1

I don't need to carry any more of this documentations record - to new case management failures --- their acting weird at every -- delay is their tools -- they can't see this all the way back - on the web -- realize I am done talking -- read it or else I go to find a new home outside of the United States of American -- they are finding themselves making statements that do not resolve this - but complicates a reaching resolve. I cannot fathom what is wrong here --- I have no advocate -- and I should.  Where are my counsels strong Truth-finder --- you apparently lost interest to write such a statement against this -- -to me -- void of compassion and voice of conscience to words I have shared honorable to you -- have been lost to your special interests.  I see no other position but clear canned out responses -- at least you replied something.  That I give you credit for.   No one absolutely no other authenticity has done that level at all.

We are void of our care to relate and void of our liabilities if we apply ourselves to our morals we go down as divided we fall --- Hey You Pink Floyd played through in honor excellence of Robert Robinson - on my site.

For the time being, I have completely opened this folder.

Does that conversation relate a community thriving?

Inline image 2

Some of this is records archived in full complete collapse it can't be everywhere everyone --- it is obvious community trusts lost.  This one not yet even complete -- I just filed it and moved on.  This may be out of sequence order. 4 part vox dox spoken voice narraitve -- I have the record of a complete and outright discrimination case. I have the record of truth.

Obviously is this extreme and way way out provocative posting --- to question why is to get the realness bullshit here is going get 911 called immediately if for any reason there is someone going to harm me for anyhing --- and when this posing was place... Rob's sister had the notion somehow to take the buzzer the next day or two and ring it contrinously -- and wake me up in the morning -- Really no explantion. I will assume that she was informed somehow of this post. So what?  I was trying to get a point of view shared viral --- it apparently worked -- the dare here -- show yourselves get out of the hidden agenda --- right?   I have never forever seen such provactive posting to be effective to that calling -- it is a fantasy that anyone could indeeed place such a disorentation presence onto any form of rational living function -- what would then be AT DEMAND CALL AT ANY HOUR OF THE DAY -- obviously taking note to mention 911 calling and hidden agenda terms gets the point across -- and it is a fantacy posting absoltely void of reality that it could be made function in any lifestyle.  Wow, if you take that post to the accurate of each and every word there -- you have to be crazy thinking it is real even when it is real.  I would of course introduce themselves to the informational function of what is going on and why I posted that preliminary before anything could sexualty because by this time, the record of standing #ConspiracyExposed had been placed documented. So, you realize that agenda came first -- no one showed up.  No one stranger calling for sex in this post -- to find the post funny --- or not --- is an insult to why it is extreme -- because at this time I had already now defined a #conspiracyExposed -- so I had the keys to create reality based truth sharing anywhere to the written word -- that is what was on key to be completed -- they would have been chastised to make that real calling and carry forward -- their waste of time to come here -- they would have been exposed  by at least a face pix I would have carried into on camera -- my introduction when a stranger would have been on the outside of the door and neither one of us was expecting a guest visitor -- we can realize also the tremendous risk to personal safety this post creates - I felt safe enough in that space to create that showing at this because I know anything such as it is -- is laughable at face value. To realize that can't be possible -- a group of 15 or even 5 would demand by calling everyone -- --- oh  come on now -- get real -- get understanding this becomes an reach to the most outside reference of what is here in these people's minds when that is not what is here..

Index of /#LovingIntellengence-Over-HurtfulFearShameHate

Icon Name                                     Last modified      Size  Description
[DIR] Parent Directory - [SND] 5c6c289f-1742-4a22-8f1b-6b1a252dcf4d.mp3 23-Mar-2017 01:34 583K [SND] 65b8805d-df1a-40e3-96eb-362cbe9ce823.mp3 23-Mar-2017 01:34 474K [SND] 69737d3a-08f7-4187-b382-ecff099ae1f9.mp3 23-Mar-2017 01:34 746K [SND] ac457b2f-d266-48b6-8a20-346848ac4e6d.mp3 23-Mar-2017 01:35 945K

Never never never dd anyone follow up on this dare.  I dared anyone to treat this in the matter to which was written.  For then how can anyone establish anything of control existence life?  so, why are you are seriously at my door?  No one shows-- because they realize if they did, they would be exposed and all outside insinuation readers would realize the extremes in this post are outside holding social norms of careful considerations -- something perhaps the poster is trying to get a point across to community. I have already established the inappropriate flagging normal styled posts -- this one to my understanding was never flagged off until I deleted it myself.

Oh so you allow that kind of extreme to remain but normal posts to be flagged like with 10 minutes of posting.  We have conflict of careful designed proofs -- what posts should be removed and what posts should not.  That also proved real they would allow that kind -- whoever they are -- and never could that be taken back -- this community out of reach of holding accountability these haters hidden away --- they continuously attacking the community.  One way or another -- the parts of this goes unaddressed --- because we cannot talk about this subject -- so so taboo.,  Great!

I have as with Adam4adam and extensive history with abuse@craigslist.org -- don't think I don't to then weigh justification for this style of post.  It was justified --- and the reminiscence of why proves my points. Thinking way way out side of the box to understand why one thins is one way and the same thing is a different way course.  I can't believe I forgot I did this. But yes that is what I did.

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