: QRCODE 1 Story Of Plight :
: QRCODE 2 I need A Guardian Angel To :
: QRCODE 3 I need A Guardian Angel : Rebirth Of Standards of Care [ In All Of My Case ] :

This has been VOXDOX to Spoken Voice [??] Narrative In Two Different Voices..
One Male and One Female. Each Set Has 4 [four] parts.

Female Part 1 of 4 :
Female Part 2 of 4 :
Female Part 3 of 4 :
Female Part 4 of 4 :

Male Part 1 of 4 :
Male Part 2 of 4 :
Male Part 3 of 4 :
Male Part 4 of 4 :


05/04/2017 2:41pm I am here again --- FRUSTRATED -- at FAMILY DISCONNECTION to the SERIOUSNESS of what IS DEMANDED of REQUIREMENTS --- AND THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO OTHER --- DIRECTION OF PATH(S) --- THAT YOU CAN DISHONOR OF ME FOR YOUR DISINTERESTEDNESS OF SHIT! I realize that you are doing your best mother --- I realize that I cannot speak --- without gettring upset --- WHY do I get upset --- when you listen to the VOICE MAIL that you left earlier --- you are not "considering" the situation under the disgusting maliace forms of "hidden agendas" of deceptions, decepts, --- and are trying to be NICE at TO A FAULT --- that niceness is going to cost your FOREVER your "interpersonal" relationship with your very own blood son here -- DEMANDING CHANGE --- a CHANGE THAT IS NOT AN OPTION TO DELAY --- NOT AN OPTION TO PROCRASTNATE -- AND FUCKED FOR THEM SURE NOT AN OPTION FOR THEM TO PLACE ANY --- AT ANY MICROCOSM -- UNTRUTHS ---- INTO MY CASE MANAGEMENT --- --- FOR THE REASONS OF CASE MANAGEMENET --- IS LIFE WELLNESS OR

LIFE DEATH---- Do you want to see your son DIE in this collapse once again of his housing tennancy --- when it was not -- and never can be SHIFTED TO BE PLACED UPON ME AS MY MORAL REASPONSBILITY --- WHEN THAT BLAME SQUARELY RESTS UPON THEM! ---- if you don't get it --- mother fucker --- mother fucker --- yes --- if you just don't get it MOTHER --- your are as FUCKED UP HUMAN as them to ALLOW this INTOLLERABLE SITUATION to REMAND ONE MORE DISHONORED MALICIOUS MOMENT OF LIFE IN MY PATH --- you are enableing them --- at all cost to the DEATH OF YOUR SON ---- BECAUSE ---- when I leave COLORADO --- I will lose my ABILITY to get MY MEDS --- when I have no meds --- I WILL DIE --- when and/or if there is no EXECUTED DEMAND PATH OF MY GOALS --- YOUR [ PLURAL ] ALL WIN --- THE HATERS WIN --- THE LOVERS LOSE --- and mother you are not a hater --- but you don't have the BALLS to be STRONG ----- then find some mother fucker in your sphere of circle influsences --- that does not take but a "one at face simple request" to ENABLE --- FRIEND --- TRUE FRIENDS do not let their friends family suffer in such extremely alarming ways ---- CALLING FOR ATTENTION I AM --- you still think me the crazy one -- the trouble maker --- the wrong one --- you STILL DO NOT SUPPORT MY CASE -- you still do not TRUST ME -- you still do not realize the mother fucking TRUTH --- GO BE DISMISSIVE LOVING THAT WAY FAMILY IN SOME OTHER 10th DEMENTION OF SOME OTHER ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE --- THAT IS NOT THE UNIVERSE THAT IS UPON US NOW --- LIVE IN THIS UNIVERSE --- LIVE IN REALAITY ---- LIVE IN KNOWING THE TRUTH IS OF WHAT I SAY IT IS --- OR ELSE GO BE A MOTHER FUCKER SHIT ASS MOTHER SOME OTHER WAY --- I DON'T WANT THAT KIND OF FUCKED UP FAMILY RELATIONSHIP THAT YOU SEEM TO CONTINUE TO ATTACH YOURSELF TO --- AND DEMAND YOUR MOTHERLY RIGHTS OF HATE, BIAS, HURT, SHAME AGAINST ME --- OR ELSE YOU WOULD NEVER FIGHT ME --- ARGUE OR CONFLICT ON EACH AND EVERY THING I NEED HERE --- YOU ACCEPT WHAT I NEED [ not a DESIRE, not a WANT, not a detached CRIME OF DEMAND --- FOR THIS IS NOT A CRIME TO DEMAND WHAT IS OF BASIC HUMAN NEEDS IN THIS CASE --- IT IS A CRIME TO ALLOW THEM TO OVERRIDE THEM --- TO KILL ME! THAT IS THE CRIME --- Understand me? These two PARAGRAPHS are being placed to VoxDox into Spoken Voice Narrative -- MALE and FEMALE --- SPANISH and ENGLISH and GERMAN, FRENCH, RUSSIAN, ITALIANT and how about one OTHER IF I CAN ---- RUSSIAN -- and if I can find it ---- Klingon eh?