James Driskill <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>

I need a guardian angel --- and quick --- because they want to deny their obligation to enable my rights per United Nations Enable Rights For Persons With Disabilities.
4 messages

Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 10:35 PM
To: elon@spacex.com, elonmusk@paypal.com
Cc: "Jim #Kramobone-The.Good @Gruwup Whitescarver" <jimscarver@gmail.com>, hudpublichousing-corruption-drovemetosuicide@fuckeduphuman.net

Mr Musk,

I am reaching out to anyone who may be able to find sanity over irrational thinking in consideration that I have this letter from my mother out on twitter to the Dr Phil Show.

I have uncovered a hate and harassment conspiracy in the client care services of Colorado Health Network in Denver Colorado that must be retified.  But the local system here once again once to deny my rights per the United Nations Enable Rights for Persons with Disabilities. 

I do not lie, cheat, or steal my way through life, and I am telling you the truth.  In my address #01 that contains the words of Pope Francis call to our nation in front of congress in September of 2015, I say I am willing to reach out to any one single person on the planet.  In this case, that would be you. I am not asking for anything from you but to direct some advocacy.  Resourcefulness is a change of mindset is all I want so I can have my life back to the natural courses of separating myself from the HATERS that have BULLIED me and HARASSED me for going on 10 years now. 

I speak the truth.  Without this course correction, I am on a pathway to suicide.  I am crying --- but I receive email from our president from my whitehouse registration from his first year of service.  That email is found online  I am crying crying desperately crying to finjd a resolution they won't allow it to happen!


it is more than that --- it is a #ConspiracyExposed in HIV/AIDS social services higher than just housing. But they filed for eviction against me in Denver in HIV/AIDS specific intentional community project on the Day of November 30th 2016, World Aids Day Eve.  They are basically acting as untouchables and I have no power but to know I am right and they are wrong absolutely wrong to do this to me.

I have contacted you on Twitter under the name of @Gruwup, Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace, just in case there is an issue that I expect action from someone who realizing the grave circumstances that I do for non-action should something happen. 

 --- I want this RESOLVED as #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP --- no one internal of the system will get involved to the adaptive mental interface of mental help for me. 

Flat out wrong!  I need someone with CLOUT to fix something for me to interface properly with the change in life dynamics.  They are treating me unfairly and unwisely like a stupid idiot when I rationally can figure it out,

There is something fishy out here going on.


James Martin Driskill
3260 Grande Vista
San Bernardino CA 92405
(909) 882-8759     [ Mother's LandLine ]

A personal visit from an ANGEL OF MERCY might be in order to correct a system out of control to annihilate me , to destroy me, to kill me in their malformed kindness. I hope this email is personally received by you without a reviewer of staff. But my story is very much real.


This letter was directed to you via E-mail and US Post Mail. It is imperative that you understand my motives of why these issues need to be brought into the light. On the Ryan White Care Act Supportive Agencies are highly reported as hate culture companies.

  • Spoken Voice : To --- RE The Multitude of Hate and Abuse Employee to Employer Reviews of the HIV/AIDS Social Service Organizations :

  • This is a letter directed to my current case management agency under contracted service provided...... they are not allowing the story be told as it needs to be. : This also has a written copy


  • To the Court Record : Introduction to Court Magistrate - Court Date January 30th 2018 8am San Bernardino CA. Written Copy : Mentions this pinned tweet to Filed in file records. referenced. [ ] Spoken Voice Link Avail Nxt tweet

  • To the Court Record : Introduction to Court Magistrate - Court Date January 30th 2018 8am San Bernardino CA. Spoken Voice Narrative pinned tweet to Filed in file records. referenced. [ : 19 min 42 Secs ] Written Copy Link Avail


    Open and Read the Glassdoor Reviews for Colorado Health Network once I leave town -- they successfully out me out of community opportunity.


    The last one posted in February goes to their collective hate mentalists:
    READ ALL 4 REVIEWS COMPLETE but this one is where I end my email letter to you.

    Former Employee - Anonymous Employee
    Doesn't Recommend
    Neutral Outlook

    I worked at Colorado Health Network full-time


    The mission at CHN is good.


    Very caddy work environment for the most part.

    Advice to Management

    Get to know employees better


    The definition of caddy as they way this author intends is found on Urbandictionary:

    When a person or group of people, usually friends, or sometimes in college sorority sisters, act very immature, don't ever escape the "high school mindset" such as getting caught up in stupid (caddy) drama that is relatively unimportant, are sometimes annoying, loud, obnoxious, materialistic, drunk, change their morals for the acceptance of others, act like they are "the shit" and above others in status who are not in that group, etc. things of that nature.
    I can't stand that group of peoples' "caddy" attitudes. They are going no where in life until they realize that they need to grow up and stop acting so... "CADDY"!
    by Cali Girl 3131 December 12, 2008


    Enough is Enough!


    Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 11:57 PM
    To: elonmusk@paypal.com, elon@xprize.org
    Cc: "Jim #Kramobone-The.Good @Gruwup Whitescarver" <jimscarver@gmail.com>, hudpublichousing-corruption-drovemetosuicide@fuckeduphuman.net
    note also the email address for eprize.org is being used for cold contacting Mr Elon Musk, as it appears in Elon Musk's Truthfinder Report.  I have copied the report onto my domain.  I will assume that it would be a more appropriate contact for this situation than PayPal. 

    [DIR] Elon.Reeve.Musk/        26-Mar-2018 02:42    -
    The [ ] in the URL make this directory unable to be used as a individually named content folder such as

    Which is a valid URL in of itself. 

     For I have open subdomain meme generation that allows the meme coupling in recombinant memetics to be adaptive to processing.


    XPRIZE is an innovation engine. A facilitator of exponential change. A catalyst for the benefit of humanity.

    We believe in the power of competition. That it’s part of our DNA. Of humanity itself. That tapping into that indomitable spirit of competition brings about breakthroughs and solutions that once seemed unimaginable. Impossible.

    We believe that you get what you incentivize. And that without a target, you will miss it every time. Rather than throw money at a problem, we incentivize the solution and challenge the world to solve it.

    We believe that challenges must be audacious, but achievable, tied to objective, measurable goals. And understandable by all.

    We believe that solutions can come from anyone, anywhere and that some of the greatest minds of our time remain untapped, ready to be engaged by a world that is in desperate need of help. Solutions. Change. And radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity.

    Call us crazy, but we believe.


    Care to Believe In a Technology Adjustment in Evolving Morality?

    I have a YouTube Presentation Of Foundation of my values.

    @Gruwup Conflict Resolution System Presentation

    Presenting the foundation of ideals to the development of a new technology interface of an assisted conflict resolution system. In our world, we have intractable conflicts that remain challenged to be placed upright and resolved. These challenges go to a lack in communication tools that focuses on unification. Counter to what one might think, our society with the current popularity mainstream social media tool platforms being used is becoming detached by way of these technology tools. They are generating one more media marketing frenzy to the profit of companies at the expense of addiction and mental health. Our society is being hijacked by technology. The problem is described in this link [ http://humanetech.com/problem#the-way... ]. I propose a two tier cooperative development project. First, the introduction of a morality currency accounting and tracking system called #Kramobones. Second, a user interface that will engage users across domains or even offline that will enable the temporary human to human or human to group collective purpose bonding presence of the peace and reconciliation binding knot of #Mpatapo. These two symbols are sourced from the African adinkra symbolic communication system and much can be utilized in the entire adinkra Set of symbols to the creation of a new communication tool. The way adinkra is communicative effective is found in this link. [ https://www.christinebedenis.co/2017/... ]. This can work to form new understandings across culturally different lifestyles. There are over a hundred adinkra symbols in use today. The final video presented in this presentation is an introduction to the adinkra.

    [Quoted text hidden]

    postmaster@xprizefoundation.onmicrosoft.com <postmaster@xprizefoundation.onmicrosoft.com>Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 11:57 PM
    To: realuphuman.net@gmail.com
    Your message to elon@xprize.org couldn't be delivered.
    elon wasn't found at xprize.org.
    realuphuman.net Office 365 elon
    Action Required Recipient
    Unknown To address

    How to Fix It
    The address may be misspelled or may not exist. Try one or more of the following:
    • Send the message again following these steps: In Outlook, open this non-delivery report (NDR) and choose Send Again from the Report ribbon. In Outlook on the web, select this NDR, then select the link "To send this message again, click here." Then delete and retype the entire recipient address. If prompted with an Auto-Complete List suggestion don't select it. After typing the complete address, click Send.
    • Contact the recipient (by phone, for example) to check that the address exists and is correct.
    • The recipient may have set up email forwarding to an incorrect address. Ask them to check that any forwarding they've set up is working correctly.
    • Clear the recipient Auto-Complete List in Outlook or Outlook on the web by following the steps in this article: Fix email delivery issues for error code 5.1.10 in Office 365, and then send the message again. Retype the entire recipient address before selecting Send.
    If the problem continues, forward this message to your email admin. If you're an email admin, refer to the More Info for Email Admins section below.

    Was this helpful? Send feedback to Microsoft.

    More Info for Email Admins
    Status code: 550 5.1.10

    This error occurs because the sender sent a message to an email address hosted by Office 365 but the address is incorrect or doesn't exist at the destination domain. The error is reported by the recipient domain's email server, but most often it must be fixed by the person who sent the message. If the steps in the How to Fix It section above don't fix the problem, and you're the email admin for the recipient, try one or more of the following:

    The email address exists and is correct - Confirm that the recipient address exists, is correct, and is accepting messages.

    Synchronize your directories - If you have a hybrid environment and are using directory synchronization make sure the recipient's email address is synced correctly in both Office 365 and in your on-premises directory.

    Errant forwarding rule - Check for forwarding rules that aren't behaving as expected. Forwarding can be set up by an admin via mail flow rules or mailbox forwarding address settings, or by the recipient via the Inbox Rules feature.

    Recipient has a valid license - Make sure the recipient has an Office 365 license assigned to them. The recipient's email admin can use the Office 365 admin center to assign a license (Users > Active Users > select the recipient > Assigned License > Edit).

    Mail flow settings and MX records are not correct - Misconfigured mail flow or MX record settings can cause this error. Check your Office 365 mail flow settings to make sure your domain and any mail flow connectors are set up correctly. Also, work with your domain registrar to make sure the MX records for your domain are configured correctly.

    For more information and additional tips to fix this issue, see Fix email delivery issues for error code 5.1.10 in Office 365.

    Original Message Details
    Created Date: 3/26/2018 6:57:15 AM
    Sender Address: realuphuman.net@gmail.com
    Recipient Address: elon@xprize.org
    Subject: Re: I need a guardian angel --- and quick --- because they want to deny their obligation to enable my rights per United Nations Enable Rights For Persons With Disabilities.

    Error Details
    Reported error: 550 5.1.10 RESOLVER.ADR.RecipientNotFound; Recipient elon@xprize.org not found by SMTP address lookup
    DSN generated by: SN6PR11MB2703.namprd11.prod.outlook.com

    Message Hops
    1 3/26/2018
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    Original Message Headers

    Received: from BY2PR11CA0069.namprd11.prod.outlook.com
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     (2603:10b6:805:59::18) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2,
     cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384_P256) id 15.20.609.10; Mon, 26
     Mar 2018 06:57:23 +0000
    Received: from BL2NAM02FT033.eop-nam02.prod.protection.outlook.com
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     cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384) id 15.20.609.10 via Frontend
     Transport; Mon, 26 Mar 2018 06:57:22 +0000
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    Received: by mail-ot0-f193.google.com with SMTP id m22-v6so19489993otf.10
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     Sun, 25 Mar 2018 23:57:16 -0700 (PDT)
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    In-Reply-To: <CAAU=kBjBGP8xgk28a8Uo5J=ZsN1NrNB6mxoYG-Mo9Pc-4SEJrg@mail.gmail.com>
    References: <CAAU=kBjBGP8xgk28a8Uo5J=ZsN1NrNB6mxoYG-Mo9Pc-4SEJrg@mail.gmail.com>
    From: "Real Up Human [.net]" <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>
    Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2018 23:57:15 -0700
    Message-ID: <CAAU=kBjA9pvH2XiMfsQAnsufTuAXNgRT_70=i09qyxkSTyFz1A@mail.gmail.com>
    Subject: Re: I need a guardian angel --- and quick --- because they want to
     deny their obligation to enable my rights per United Nations Enable Rights
     For Persons With Disabilities.
    To: elonmusk@paypal.com, elon@xprize.org
    CC: "Jim #Kramobone-The.Good @Gruwup Whitescarver" <jimscarver@gmail.com>, 
    Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="000000000000c2e00805684b4850"
    Return-Path: realuphuman.net@gmail.com
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    Final-Recipient: rfc822;elon@xprize.org
    Action: failed
    Status: 5.1.10
    Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 5.1.10 RESOLVER.ADR.RecipientNotFound; Recipient elon@xprize.org not found by SMTP address lookup

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: "Real Up Human [.net]" <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>
    To: elonmusk@paypal.com, elon@xprize.org
    Cc: "Jim #Kramobone-The.Good @Gruwup Whitescarver" <jimscarver@gmail.com>, hudpublichousing-corruption-drovemetosuicide@fuckeduphuman.net
    Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2018 23:57:15 -0700
    Subject: Re: I need a guardian angel --- and quick --- because they want to deny their obligation to enable my rights per United Nations Enable Rights For Persons With Disabilities.
    note also the email address for eprize.org is being used for cold contacting Mr Elon Musk, as it appears in Elon Musk's Truthfinder Report.  I have copied the report onto my domain.  I will assume that it would be a more appropriate contact for this situation than PayPal. 

    [DIR] Elon.Reeve.Musk/        26-Mar-2018 02:42    -
    The [ ] in the URL make this directory unable to be used as a individually named content folder such as

    Which is a valid URL in of itself. 

     For I have open subdomain meme generation that allows the meme coupling in recombinant memetics to be adaptive to processing.


    XPRIZE is an innovation engine. A facilitator of exponential change. A catalyst for the benefit of humanity.

    We believe in the power of competition. That it’s part of our DNA. Of humanity itself. That tapping into that indomitable spirit of competition brings about breakthroughs and solutions that once seemed unimaginable. Impossible.

    We believe that you get what you incentivize. And that without a target, you will miss it every time. Rather than throw money at a problem, we incentivize the solution and challenge the world to solve it.

    We believe that challenges must be audacious, but achievable, tied to objective, measurable goals. And understandable by all.

    We believe that solutions can come from anyone, anywhere and that some of the greatest minds of our time remain untapped, ready to be engaged by a world that is in desperate need of help. Solutions. Change. And radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity.

    Call us crazy, but we believe.


    Care to Believe In a Technology Adjustment in Evolving Morality?

    I have a YouTube Presentation Of Foundation of my values.

    @Gruwup Conflict Resolution System Presentation

    Presenting the foundation of ideals to the development of a new technology interface of an assisted conflict resolution system. In our world, we have intractable conflicts that remain challenged to be placed upright and resolved. These challenges go to a lack in communication tools that focuses on unification. Counter to what one might think, our society with the current popularity mainstream social media tool platforms being used is becoming detached by way of these technology tools. They are generating one more media marketing frenzy to the profit of companies at the expense of addiction and mental health. Our society is being hijacked by technology. The problem is described in this link [ http://humanetech.com/problem#the-way... ]. I propose a two tier cooperative development project. First, the introduction of a morality currency accounting and tracking system called #Kramobones. Second, a user interface that will engage users across domains or even offline that will enable the temporary human to human or human to group collective purpose bonding presence of the peace and reconciliation binding knot of #Mpatapo. These two symbols are sourced from the African adinkra symbolic communication system and much can be utilized in the entire adinkra Set of symbols to the creation of a new communication tool. The way adinkra is communicative effective is found in this link. [ https://www.christinebedenis.co/2017/... ]. This can work to form new understandings across culturally different lifestyles. There are over a hundred adinkra symbols in use today. The final video presented in this presentation is an introduction to the adinkra.


    On Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 10:35 PM, Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com> wrote:

    Mr Musk,

    I am reaching out to anyone who may be able to find sanity over irrational thinking in consideration that I have this letter from my mother out on twitter to the Dr Phil Show.

    I have uncovered a hate and harassment conspiracy in the client care services of Colorado Health Network in Denver Colorado that must be retified.  But the local system here once again once to deny my rights per the United Nations Enable Rights for Persons with Disabilities. 

    I do not lie, cheat, or steal my way through life, and I am telling you the truth.  In my address #01 that contains the words of Pope Francis call to our nation in front of congress in September of 2015, I say I am willing to reach out to any one single person on the planet.  In this case, that would be you. I am not asking for anything from you but to direct some advocacy.  Resourcefulness is a change of mindset is all I want so I can have my life back to the natural courses of separating myself from the HATERS that have BULLIED me and HARASSED me for going on 10 years now. 

    I speak the truth.  Without this course correction, I am on a pathway to suicide.  I am crying --- but I receive email from our president from my whitehouse registration from his first year of service.  That email is found online  I am crying crying desperately crying to finjd a resolution they won't allow it to happen!


    it is more than that --- it is a #ConspiracyExposed in HIV/AIDS social services higher than just housing. But they filed for eviction against me in Denver in HIV/AIDS specific intentional community project on the Day of November 30th 2016, World Aids Day Eve.  They are basically acting as untouchables and I have no power but to know I am right and they are wrong absolutely wrong to do this to me.

    I have contacted you on Twitter under the name of @Gruwup, Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace, just in case there is an issue that I expect action from someone who realizing the grave circumstances that I do for non-action should something happen. 

     --- I want this RESOLVED as #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP --- no one internal of the system will get involved to the adaptive mental interface of mental help for me. 

    Flat out wrong!  I need someone with CLOUT to fix something for me to interface properly with the change in life dynamics.  They are treating me unfairly and unwisely like a stupid idiot when I rationally can figure it out,

    There is something fishy out here going on.


    James Martin Driskill
    3260 Grande Vista
    San Bernardino CA 92405
    (909) 882-8759     [ Mother's LandLine ]

    A personal visit from an ANGEL OF MERCY might be in order to correct a system out of control to annihilate me , to destroy me, to kill me in their malformed kindness. I hope this email is personally received by you without a reviewer of staff. But my story is very much real.


    This letter was directed to you via E-mail and US Post Mail. It is imperative that you understand my motives of why these issues need to be brought into the light. On the Ryan White Care Act Supportive Agencies are highly reported as hate culture companies.

  • Spoken Voice : To --- RE The Multitude of Hate and Abuse Employee to Employer Reviews of the HIV/AIDS Social Service Organizations :

  • This is a letter directed to my current case management agency under contracted service provided...... they are not allowing the story be told as it needs to be. : This also has a written copy


  • To the Court Record : Introduction to Court Magistrate - Court Date January 30th 2018 8am San Bernardino CA. Written Copy : Mentions this pinned tweet to Filed in file records. referenced. [ ] Spoken Voice Link Avail Nxt tweet

  • To the Court Record : Introduction to Court Magistrate - Court Date January 30th 2018 8am San Bernardino CA. Spoken Voice Narrative pinned tweet to Filed in file records. referenced. [ : 19 min 42 Secs ] Written Copy Link Avail


    Open and Read the Glassdoor Reviews for Colorado Health Network once I leave town -- they successfully out me out of community opportunity.


    The last one posted in February goes to their collective hate mentalists:
    READ ALL 4 REVIEWS COMPLETE but this one is where I end my email letter to you.

    Former Employee - Anonymous Employee
    Doesn't Recommend
    Neutral Outlook

    I worked at Colorado Health Network full-time


    The mission at CHN is good.


    Very caddy work environment for the most part.

    Advice to Management

    Get to know employees better


    The definition of caddy as they way this author intends is found on Urbandictionary:

    When a person or group of people, usually friends, or sometimes in college sorority sisters, act very immature, don't ever escape the "high school mindset" such as getting caught up in stupid (caddy) drama that is relatively unimportant, are sometimes annoying, loud, obnoxious, materialistic, drunk, change their morals for the acceptance of others, act like they are "the shit" and above others in status who are not in that group, etc. things of that nature.
    I can't stand that group of peoples' "caddy" attitudes. They are going no where in life until they realize that they need to grow up and stop acting so... "CADDY"!
    by Cali Girl 3131 December 12, 2008


    Enough is Enough!



    [Message clipped]  View entire message

    Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 12:00 AM
    To: elonmusk@paypal.com
    Cc: "Jim #Kramobone-The.Good @Gruwup Whitescarver" <jimscarver@gmail.com>, hudpublichousing-corruption-drovemetosuicide@fuckeduphuman.net

    Your message to elon@xprize.org couldn't be delivered.
    elon wasn't found at xprize.org.

    On Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 11:57 PM, Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com> wrote:
    note also the email address for eprize.org is being used for cold contacting Mr Elon Musk, as it appears in Elon Musk's Truthfinder Report.  I have copied the report onto my domain.  I will assume that it would be a more appropriate contact for this situation than PayPal. 

    [DIR] Elon.Reeve.Musk/        26-Mar-2018 02:42    -
    The [ ] in the URL make this directory unable to be used as a individually named content folder such as

    Which is a valid URL in of itself. 

     For I have open subdomain meme generation that allows the meme coupling in recombinant memetics to be adaptive to processing.


    XPRIZE is an innovation engine. A facilitator of exponential change. A catalyst for the benefit of humanity.

    We believe in the power of competition. That it’s part of our DNA. Of humanity itself. That tapping into that indomitable spirit of competition brings about breakthroughs and solutions that once seemed unimaginable. Impossible.

    We believe that you get what you incentivize. And that without a target, you will miss it every time. Rather than throw money at a problem, we incentivize the solution and challenge the world to solve it.

    We believe that challenges must be audacious, but achievable, tied to objective, measurable goals. And understandable by all.

    We believe that solutions can come from anyone, anywhere and that some of the greatest minds of our time remain untapped, ready to be engaged by a world that is in desperate need of help. Solutions. Change. And radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity.

    Call us crazy, but we believe.


    Care to Believe In a Technology Adjustment in Evolving Morality?

    I have a YouTube Presentation Of Foundation of my values.

    @Gruwup Conflict Resolution System Presentation

    Presenting the foundation of ideals to the development of a new technology interface of an assisted conflict resolution system. In our world, we have intractable conflicts that remain challenged to be placed upright and resolved. These challenges go to a lack in communication tools that focuses on unification. Counter to what one might think, our society with the current popularity mainstream social media tool platforms being used is becoming detached by way of these technology tools. They are generating one more media marketing frenzy to the profit of companies at the expense of addiction and mental health. Our society is being hijacked by technology. The problem is described in this link [ http://humanetech.com/problem#the-way... ]. I propose a two tier cooperative development project. First, the introduction of a morality currency accounting and tracking system called #Kramobones. Second, a user interface that will engage users across domains or even offline that will enable the temporary human to human or human to group collective purpose bonding presence of the peace and reconciliation binding knot of #Mpatapo. These two symbols are sourced from the African adinkra symbolic communication system and much can be utilized in the entire adinkra Set of symbols to the creation of a new communication tool. The way adinkra is communicative effective is found in this link. [ https://www.christinebedenis.co/2017/... ]. This can work to form new understandings across culturally different lifestyles. There are over a hundred adinkra symbols in use today. The final video presented in this presentation is an introduction to the adinkra.


    On Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 10:35 PM, Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com> wrote:

    Mr Musk,

    I am reaching out to anyone who may be able to find sanity over irrational thinking in consideration that I have this letter from my mother out on twitter to the Dr Phil Show.

    I have uncovered a hate and harassment conspiracy in the client care services of Colorado Health Network in Denver Colorado that must be retified.  But the local system here once again once to deny my rights per the United Nations Enable Rights for Persons with Disabilities. 

    I do not lie, cheat, or steal my way through life, and I am telling you the truth.  In my address #01 that contains the words of Pope Francis call to our nation in front of congress in September of 2015, I say I am willing to reach out to any one single person on the planet.  In this case, that would be you. I am not asking for anything from you but to direct some advocacy.  Resourcefulness is a change of mindset is all I want so I can have my life back to the natural courses of separating myself from the HATERS that have BULLIED me and HARASSED me for going on 10 years now. 

    I speak the truth.  Without this course correction, I am on a pathway to suicide.  I am crying --- but I receive email from our president from my whitehouse registration from his first year of service.  That email is found online  I am crying crying desperately crying to finjd a resolution they won't allow it to happen!


    it is more than that --- it is a #ConspiracyExposed in HIV/AIDS social services higher than just housing. But they filed for eviction against me in Denver in HIV/AIDS specific intentional community project on the Day of November 30th 2016, World Aids Day Eve.  They are basically acting as untouchables and I have no power but to know I am right and they are wrong absolutely wrong to do this to me.

    I have contacted you on Twitter under the name of @Gruwup, Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace, just in case there is an issue that I expect action from someone who realizing the grave circumstances that I do for non-action should something happen. 

     --- I want this RESOLVED as #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP --- no one internal of the system will get involved to the adaptive mental interface of mental help for me. 

    Flat out wrong!  I need someone with CLOUT to fix something for me to interface properly with the change in life dynamics.  They are treating me unfairly and unwisely like a stupid idiot when I rationally can figure it out,

    There is something fishy out here going on.


    James Martin Driskill
    3260 Grande Vista
    San Bernardino CA 92405
    (909) 882-8759     [ Mother's LandLine ]

    A personal visit from an ANGEL OF MERCY might be in order to correct a system out of control to annihilate me , to destroy me, to kill me in their malformed kindness. I hope this email is personally received by you without a reviewer of staff. But my story is very much real.


    This letter was directed to you via E-mail and US Post Mail. It is imperative that you understand my motives of why these issues need to be brought into the light. On the Ryan White Care Act Supportive Agencies are highly reported as hate culture companies.

  • Spoken Voice : To --- RE The Multitude of Hate and Abuse Employee to Employer Reviews of the HIV/AIDS Social Service Organizations :

  • This is a letter directed to my current case management agency under contracted service provided...... they are not allowing the story be told as it needs to be. : This also has a written copy


  • To the Court Record : Introduction to Court Magistrate - Court Date January 30th 2018 8am San Bernardino CA. Written Copy : Mentions this pinned tweet to Filed in file records. referenced. [ ] Spoken Voice Link Avail Nxt tweet

  • To the Court Record : Introduction to Court Magistrate - Court Date January 30th 2018 8am San Bernardino CA. Spoken Voice Narrative pinned tweet to Filed in file records. referenced. [ : 19 min 42 Secs ] Written Copy Link Avail


    Open and Read the Glassdoor Reviews for Colorado Health Network once I leave town -- they successfully out me out of community opportunity.


    The last one posted in February goes to their collective hate mentalists:
    READ ALL 4 REVIEWS COMPLETE but this one is where I end my email letter to you.

    Former Employee - Anonymous Employee
    Doesn't Recommend
    Neutral Outlook

    I worked at Colorado Health Network full-time


    The mission at CHN is good.


    Very caddy work environment for the most part.

    Advice to Management

    Get to know employees better


    The definition of caddy as they way this author intends is found on Urbandictionary:

    When a person or group of people, usually friends, or sometimes in college sorority sisters, act very immature, don't ever escape the "high school mindset" such as getting caught up in stupid (caddy) drama that is relatively unimportant, are sometimes annoying, loud, obnoxious, materialistic, drunk, change their morals for the acceptance of others, act like they are "the shit" and above others in status who are not in that group, etc. things of that nature.
    I can't stand that group of peoples' "caddy" attitudes. They are going no where in life until they realize that they need to grow up and stop acting so... "CADDY"!
    by Cali Girl 3131 December 12, 2008


    Enough is Enough!